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Quick Bass Sesh On Baby Vibes!

PJ Garn

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Hi Raiders

Just to let you know I dropped down our lovely Nepean yesterday arvo for a quickie!!! It was overcast and drizzling slightly but was warm and perfect for throwing a few about!!!

I headed for a stretch of the river that I'd never been to before and with my new Baby Vibs (Brown & Green 35mm) in my pocket I explored new territory!!!


As you can see this water is very Bassy... beautiful little rapids running into deep pools overhung by willows, with snag after snag to explore!!! I was in heaven!!! After several hits and failing to hook up, I finally landed a small bass (15cm) on a purple Baby Vib!!!

So I changed colour to the translucent brown and straight away hooked up again on another small model!!!


A couple of fish later I decided to change again to the Green... same result another beautiful small bass!!!


I lost count of the fish I caught (5 or 6 I think) none were of any size but what a top hour and a bit I had me!!!

On the way back to the car... and still exploring; I came across a little weedy bay with several nice Carp basking in the shallows. I changed to a Goldfish pattern lure and threw it right at these fish!!! As I had predicted they ignored it... and amazingly weren't spooked... what a pity I didn't have a float and some bread!!!! Got a nice shot of a Carp cruising... look just above half way up in the middle of the shot!!!!



PJ Garn

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