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The Poacher Strikes Back!

The Poacher

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My #1 fishing buddy (who owns a 625 Outsider) had some time off and so last Friday we went to Port Stephens for an overnighter. Up really early, tank full of livies and out to the Sisters to try for snapper on plastics. Got a little one first cast and thought "we are going to be on here". However, only junk after that, so we went out to the 21 to fish for jews on the tide change. Had one mouthed but that was all. Then we went to the Gibber and several other spots for jack-all. We were shattered.

Thought we would have crack locally (Terrigal) on Wedneday at the inshore kings. The forecast weather was great. Stuggled to get yakkas in the haven - we had 8 yakkas and 2 pike after an hour. Confidence at an all time low. Anyway, up to Spot X, and BANG first troll one gets nailed after 30 seconds. Ended up with 4 over 70cm, and about 25 between 60 and 65cm. Most of which came on soft plastics - white gulps with a 3/8 jig head doing the damage. The low tide had them just on the deep side of the drop off. The forecast had been way out, as we had ugly 20knots plus of south easter all morning. Still good to get some runs on the board.

The Poacher (confidence restored)

PS stuffed if I can get my photos down to the right size. Even with Ifran view. They end up miniscule. I've read the tutorial.


Edited by The Poacher
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Nice work on the kings.

To downsize your photos, select the image and right click with the mouse.

Select edit.

The picture will appear in another window in "Paint"

Up the top is a menu option "Image"

Click on this and go to "Stretch & Skew"

You will need to experiment on the size as it depends on how many megapixels your camera is. The higher the megapixels, the larger the image and the more you have to shrink it.

Start by changing the Horizontal & Vertical 100% figures to 30% and select OK.

You must do both figures the same otherwise you will end up with a distorted picture.

Go to the top menu and select "File" and "Save As"

Change the file to jpeg as this is the smaller type file.

Select the folder you want to put it in and change the name to what you want and hit "Save"

I hope this helps



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Thanks - the wind was a shocker. When we trolled into it, we went so slow that the squid killed our livies. Then trolling downwind we went very fast. Ended up drifting which was good.

By the way

I think the kingfish limit should be one fish between 60 and 65, and then 4 over 65.


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I'll tell you a story from a month ago concerning those pelicans in the photo. As you know the fresh water at the cleaning table on Terrigal Ramp is turned off due to council imposed water restrictions. We usually have a bucket on hand to get some sea water to clean fish. On our last outing my fishing mate walked to the waters edge with the whole catch (flatties, morwong, nannygai, bream and blertas) of ten fish in the box.

Within seconds those pelicans had all but 2 fish down their throats. A couple of them had fish lodged in thier throats as they swam back out into the haven. The morwong was a big fish, one of the flatties went 40 cm and one of the nannygai was the largest one I've seen.

The look on my buddies face was unforgetable. I'd say they are getting a bit hungry with many people driving away without cleaning so they've resorted to ambush attacks on the unwary customer. I would have loved to capture the scene on video. It would win funniest home videos hands down.

Obviously I didn't post a report about the days catch. Lucky I cleaned the Leatherjackets at sea.

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Top day lads.. :1prop:

I know were you are coming from I had all sorts of trouble with my photos until I donwloaded the free resize image software from the forum tutorial and with alittle help from a fellow member I have finally got it right. I resize them down to 360 by 240 and that seems to work for me you should try the software its good.

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