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Finding The Big Kings


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Hi all,

Went out on Sunday, mon, tue, wed caught over 26 kings @ 55-64 cm only 8 over 65cm, quesiton is does anybody know the dinamics of the school? How do I target just the big kings? where abouts are they swimming in the school?



You can try bigger baits or lures but then you will probably catch less fish overall. You might have to try a different location where the bigger kings are. Sounds like you got all the fish in the same area..

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having the same trouble myself. Certainly on the inshore reefs and headlands where the smaller kings school up.

Definantly lures will maximise the amount of undersize fish you get. Livebaits will help increase the % of fish over 65 you get.

This year I am going to try new spots, in different depths with bigger baits. Will let you know how I go.

The Poacher

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I would have to say bigger baits would be the difference and trying to find deeper water.

My brother got busted off by a decent kingie off molineux on thursday while downrigging a big live squid, he said he trolled for about 15 minutes before he got the hit.

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Anesti. How to target the bigger kings is the million dollar question. The main schools of spawning kingfish seem to be around the pre - calculated measurable size only if you get lucky, although the average school size would average much less than that or kingfish populations would be decimated, which is not the objective when they set size limits, true?

I believe larger kingfish run in smaller groups where males hang around and escort the one female. Sort of natures way of selecting the healthiest and strongest at the larger end of the scale to ensure there is ongoing quality in the species. In case there are inferior members of any species on the planet, nature ensures that defects are gradually culled out as they themselves are also bait for something else only the fittest and fastest go on and spawn again in cycles.

Where the smaller schools are found, conditions generally suit the whole species though I often wonder where the 10-15 kilo plus versions are being caught regularly in close.

The other Friday, holding Barker's boat 50 metres off Malabar cliffs, smaller hook ups were plentiful and it wasn't until we moved to deeper water and trolled following the line of a far deeper shelf instead of trolling in arcs and circles, was Barker able to get a take home one around 75 cm after being hammered by one he said felt bigger and that is mentioned in Barkers report. That was the day after the big rain hit us at Taren Point and you went home early and I fished on over at Dolan's Bay wharf until I met Barker at midday when we motored down to Malabar.

The amount of time you spend fishing Botany will result in you finding larger kingfish not that far away from where you found the smaller schools in big numbers. That may include times when the schools move on and larger loners and those small groups of larger fish start to appear but I do not know whether they come in out of the blue or not.

As I told you the other day have a camera with you. A report of a lengthy no fish session is very valuable on any species as is a report on a motza day on kingfish valuable to others, in and out of season


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Mate big baits will get you the big fish, but thats if the big fish are there...

Most of the schooling kings in sydney are the smaller variety from 50cm to 80 cm.....sometimes you will find some bigger ones lurking under the schools....run a big bait below them.....big slimie or big strip of squid and if there is something big down there he might get interested.....

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