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Narrabeen Lake - Soft Plastics Or Live Bait


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Hi all ,

Im new to the fishraider forums but already love the wealth of information and general feel of the forums , i have been fishing the lake ever since i moved from qld last xmas and i havent caught anything other than tiny tarwhine and bream , i have been using a mixture of bait including beach worms and tube worms ( store bought ) my rod is a shimano 5 -8 kilo General Purpose rod and my reel is a shimano alivo 4000 ( trying to fish on a reasonable budget ) My primary line is 4 Pound Fireline and im using a 6 pound invisable shock leader ( as per my neighbors advice ) now my question is to increase my chances of big fish should i switch to live yabbies etc or start using some of the new range of squidgeys ? as i have heard stories of success from people using both , just hoping someone might be able to share some pointers / tips with me

Thanks Very MUch And Happy Fishing

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unweighted yabbies are always a killer, but you will still have alot of peckers.

For flattie, try any squidgy fish design up to 100mm in pretty much any colour..... well up to any size really!!!! They'll hit any size!!! Also, my personal favourite, the berkley power minnow in 3" or 4", pearl watermelon colour. The 3" is also a killer on bream aswell. Little squidgy wrigglers in bloodworm are a real classic for bream too.

When i'm targeting flattie, i use a 1/4 oz jig head to stir up the sand and get there attention, if you're targeting bream and flattie on the 3" power minnow for eg, then an 1/8 or 1/16 oz jighead is the goods.

For flattie, let plastic hit bottom, then your standard 2 mid-aggressive cranks off the bottom, let it sink back down, and keep watching your line for hits.

Bream are the same but maybe tone it down a bit, not so aggressive.

Hope this helps, i'm no expert though!!


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:1fishing1: Thnx Very much that info is gold hopefully this weather clears up and we can wet our lines ! now i think of it i actually bought some 3" pEARL WAtermelon berkley's yesterday :) Edited by jdy07
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I've been having a pretty good success rate lately down at Narrabeen just using peeled prawns.

Last week I caught a couple of flatties, 43 & 45 cms, and a bream that was 38 cm. These were all caught around the Woolworths bridge area. I still have had my fair share of pickers but I have just managed to be patient until I hooked on to some more decent sized models.

I have been using 6lb Fireline with a 10lb flourocarbon leader. I use as light a sinker as possible depending on the wind and tidal flow. This has proved to be a fairly reliable good all round set up for me. This combination was used to catch the bream and flatties mentioned above.

I'm hoping the rain stays away too as I plan to hit the lake this afternoon and try my luck.



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I ducked down for a quick session yesterday about 3pm.while :wife: had a nap.

Went for a wade out to the channel from Lagoon St

and the incoming tide across the flats was fairly ripping in. I had trouble standing up at times.

The water in the channel was as clear as crystal and running fast.

I soaked some fresh peeled H.bry peeled prawns and fresh whitebait right along the channel dropoffs for 2 just legal

tailor and one bream about 26..all swam away. (this bream had an old chunk out of his back too)

That was disappointing, so packed up and went over to pipeclay point to see if any flatties lurked there.

Same result..2 choppers :1badmood: and then the rains began. :1badmood::1badmood:

Packed it in and headed home but at least I felt better for having had a fish.

Gee..there's still a lot of that clingy weed amongst the sea grass everywhere.

Come on summer.



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Like mallacootaPete i went for a wade with the long rod and some green weed out behind thecaravan park my mate manged 1 undersize blackie the tide was racing and the lake was clear, there were loads of small mullet and whiting attracted to the scraps of burley in the shallows though, did spook a couple of nice flatties wading out though be it bait or sp's i think you have to persevere in the lake at the moment.



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Thanks everybody :) i need to re-educate myself on how to fish as where i was living in qld the fish are rather dumb and would basically catch themselves :1prop: i usually fish near the entrance of the creek across the road from the highschool or whatever it is , heaps of bites nut no big fish , i gave up on fishing the woolworths bridge area as all i caught was shopping trolleys lol

Thanks Everyone :)

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The other day i noticed loads of small prawns had attached themselves to the empty keep net we had attached to our pole, if you got some of these live and fished them on crushed barb wide gapes about size 4 to 6 at the entrance to Deep Creek you may be in for a surprise as there are some nice EP'sthat come out of there as well as some monster bream and flatties, try the coarse angling approach and fish a lightly weighted foam cork that takes no more than 3 or 4 shot on a wippy rod just on first light or in that period between sunset and dark when you can still make out the finely balanced bobby cork adjust your depth to the feeding patterns of the fish. BTW fish light fluro leaders of 4 and 5lb too you will lose some fish but the fun is there!



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Thanks very much luderick and everyone im sure with the new info im getting off you guys my success may just improve ,

Just wish i was not at work as id be fishing right now :) Im going to be majorly cheesed if it rains tommoro on me day off

Cheers all :)

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just thinking about your outfit....it's a bit heavy for the lake. I fish 2-4kg rod with a 2500 size reel. Your line is spot on. A lighter combo will allow you to switch between bait and soft plastics. I use soft plastics 90% of the time. It eliminates most of the undersize fish...though the tailor will cut them up from time to time. Live bait is also a great way to go. Good luck with it.


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See more great advice thats what i love about these forums .... Thanks Kit i might actually try the 2-3 kg rod my mate gave me its one of those rods with the cork grip havent used it yet but its very light and whippy

Cheers all :beersmile:

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The setup I mentioned in my previous post came through with the goods again yesterday afternoon at the Woolies bridge.

A nice 55 cm lizard :thumbup:

Hopefully you can have similar success today jdy07. And the weather is looking pretty darn good too.





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Just a thought if your intersted,

this lure is a squidgy fish 120 mm with a squidgy jig head to match.


Me and my friends used to hunt flattys in the lake and this lure really killed it, ive never been a big advocate for certain lure colours but they liked green over other colours. Dont let the size fool u as it caught little fellas as well as monsters up to 80cm.

Should suit ur gear well to as it casts a mile and is actually a bit heavy for the really light gear. I never used to go too heavy on the leaders untill i lost two monsters in a row on the same day on this lure on leader as thick as 20 pound! so somewhere around 20 is advizable.

It definately helps to slice a flat edge at the front of the plastic and before u snug it to the hook add a little super glue, this will prevent the plastic sliding away from the jig head over time which can be annoying.

one more thing, all my big narra lake flattys have come from the month of november! :biggrin2:

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Well goodmorning all , first id like to thank everyone for their advice :)

I have some success to report :1prop:

After flicken my first new squidgey ( Grasshopper colour ) into the lake , i jigged it up and down and gave the line a few quick retreives and BANG it felt like a truck hit my squidgey .... my drag was set to high and he snapped my line and swam off ...

Re - Rigged i flick another squidgey in .... After a few gentle pulses on the line i hooked onto a nice taylor he fought for about 3 mins and measured a decent 32cm :D i let him go to fight another day

Well i flick another squidgey into the lake , and 30 seconds later i got hit by another truck fish lol well i lost another rig for the day and the kids were getting hungry so i called it quits .....

But now i have a newfound love of the lake and those awsome squidgeys :1fishing1:

Thanks again everyone HAPPY FISHING :)

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Good report JDY.

There are some big toothy critters in that lake.

Keep at 'em and I expect you will be posting some

even better reports soon.

It's going to be a good summer fishing in that lake.



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Just a thought if your intersted,

this lure is a squidgy fish 120 mm with a squidgy jig head to match.


love the colour of that lure but its a bit big for my liking unless i was fishing somewhere where jew were a possibility....

i try and keep my jighead weight as light as possible when chasin flattys so that i can work my lure around weedbeds and the like....

don't be afraid to use those plastics at night... bigger flattys are definitely on the cards after dark...thats when i use bigger lures with heavy tail actions... find over head lighting and chances are you will find some flatttys

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My success was on the new squidgy pro "fish" Grasshopper colour , i still have not tried the pearl watermelon but will do next fishing trip ( sigh which means a sunday ) unless the weather picks up then i can go after work ( I love daylight savings dont get em up home qld )

Jarad :1fishing1:

Happy fishing all .... :)


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