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My Dad's boat is out of action till mid next week

if I get over this chest flu Dad wants to go for a fish land based on Monday

he is 78 and fishing from rocks is out of the question

any thought's

or should we just cast some gulps from Lady Robinson beach with heavy jigheads

(we get some good fish in close on the boat )

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Hi Robee. Lugarno fishing walkway right down the bottom of Forest Road would be just the shot for your Dad. It's a good quality long wooden construction with plenty of comfortable benches and it's even got bait boards on the poles. It's just perfect for an easy and relaxing fishing day for your Dad

If you cast well out towards the moored boats you'll get a whole feed of fish for sure on the early run in on Monday morning. Make sure you throw a jew rod out with a livie on it though.

There's plenty of room for you and your Dad to launch half a dozen rods and just sit back and watch the rods.

That part of the Georges landbased would take a lot of beating for good size bream and flathead at the moment with a good chance of a run up tide daytime jew, casting out towards your right towards the second group of moored boats in front of the restaurant seems to be where the jew come through to ambush the baitfish assembled in front of the restaurant and the baitfish schools coming in around and under the old boat shed piers during the run in.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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