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Baitfishing In Iron Cove And Syd Harbour


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We decided to go baitfishing for yakkas today for tomoro's fishing in botany. So headed to iron cove and saw the low tide. Threw a bright color plastic around since it was murky water. Got a nice legal flattie on the drop, it was put back in.

Drkcld was burleying and was trying to catch yakkas but it was too low tide. He tried using a hardbody and managed a 25cm tailor. We then tried testing out our new portable aerator but it was crap. Only $15 and it didnt pump much air out.

We moved to our favourite spot in the harbour and waited until 5pm when the yakkas came. I noticed there boils around where i was fishing but too far to cast. But a few other guys at the wharf managed a few tailors on metals.

Continued to baitfish for yakkas with prawns, squid, pilchards. It is best to use prawns or fresh squid because they hold better on your size 12 hook. I was using sabiki jig, i kept losing it. constantly bites for the whole 2 hours until we left. Managed 12 yakkas at the end of the day. We tried to keep it alive for as long as possible with the aerator and changing the water.

Got into the car, came home and realised that 11/12 of the yakkas were dead!!!! it was only a 40min drive. probably cause of Drkcld's bad driving lol :1prop:

Changed the aerator quickly to my goldfish tank's one. It is much more powerful cuz it is electric. So im hoping this one last yakka will be alive tomoro morning! It is in the esky now. I even put in this chemical that "cleans dirty water for salt water tanks". And it did clean it.

Anyone know a good way of keeping bait alive from the time you catch the first one till the next morning?



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I agree with Wildfish. To keep yakkas or baitfsh overnight you need a large garbage bin, a pump with a 6 or 12v battery and another large garbage bin full of salt water for water changes plus a couple of blokes to carry it. Even then they don't last once they hit the water at a different temperature the following day.

Used whole as dead bait they are pretty useless and they must be presented exposing flesh and blood as butterflys or side fillets.....Yakkas are excellent minced as the sole component of bottom burley for jew or when burlied at surface or intermediate levels for kingfish, when you're fishing with live yakkas caught just before a session.

Rather than toil away the day before and try and keep them alive, we are all in the same boat here and have to catch our livebaits before we start fishing, but I believe we should always take an opportunity to stock up on squid and try to keep a supply of squid snap frozen as well.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Guest Big-Banana

I've emptied the bait tank at the ramp,got home an hour later and they're still flapping around. Try not to handle them (if you are).

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