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Squid. Stupid Question?


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It might sound silly but I was thinking perhaps someone caught squid and wanted to kill them to cook them. What would the best way to do so? :wacko:

Hey mate there is no stupid questions only stupid answers!!!!! The squids brain from my experience seems to be almost exactly between the eyes but if you put the knife tip a few centremeters above the eyes then bring it down quickly towards the tenticles you should kill the squid instantly!!!! You will know this has happened as you will se the squid change colour very dramaticly then stop moving!

That is the one thing with our sport that i find very hard is killing a catch humainly.... i am definitly an animal lover and do not take to killing a living thing lightly, i can only justify killing something if it is going to be eaten or contribute to catching something that is to be eaten, even still i get that sinking fealing in my stomach like ive done something that i shouldnt have!!!!

As for cooking squid im no expert, but i can tell you what ever you do just dont over cook it as it will turn into a stringy chewy mess and you will begin to wonder why you cooked and ate this thing in the first place!!!!!

Hope that helps!!!! Happy squiding!!!!!

Edited by fishlexic
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gday mate,

it's understandable that you might be a bit anxious at killing a squid. for the unititiated they're pretty wierd, especially when you try to hold them and they latch onto you with their tentacles. just be careful when that happens that you don't get bitten.

to kill squid i just rip their heads off. its not complicated but understanding the anatomy sometimes helps. i've found that there is a part joining the head and tube/body that can be easily separated just with light pressure from your fingers.

anyway, the best way to learn is with experience, so get out there mate and catch some squid!

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Hi Mate,

I find the most humane way is to put the squid in a zip lock bag and then place it on ice covered with a sheet of newspaper.. they will chill down and go to sleep all but instantly.

Alternatively, if i am in a hurry or require the squid for a strip or head straight away, i will use a pair of sharp braid scissors and place them open over the neck, behind the head, then snip... all over quickly.

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I get that feeling too fishlexic .. I find it easier to cover their eyes before doing the deed .. haha

(I have seen some people kill yakkas by throwing them on the concrete ground / wall ... I think that is pretty cruel ... but that is a quick death if you get it right first go ... )

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