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Aus Boat Reg Laws.....what A Joke


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Hi all

i was just reading another post where a guy lost his pride and joy.... stolen by some wanker (hope you get it back)

Anyways i was just thinking to myself what a joke the BoatCode is. let me stress that i dont know if the law is still the same but the last i knew of it was,

if a boat was registered in NSW with the maritime via the boatcode then the numbers could only be checked in South Australia and Western Australia...... what a fkn joke, quite simply put..... anyone who steals a boat from across the border can come and legally register it in nsw or vice verca, thus showing the low percentage of stolen boats being recovered (only 5% get recovered) this is australia not bangladesh make a bloody uniform database which has everyones details stored on a national database which will make it harder for criminals to make $$$$$$ out of stealing boats + jet ski,s they did something in relation to number jobs in cars but until now i think that the issue of stolen boats has not really been addressed by government authorities. sorry if i seem a litttle strong but i see this issue as a issue that everyone knows exists yet no one wants to aknowledge it,

to all you people who have had your boats stolen i feel for ya.... and all of you people who have actually stolen boats i hope they catch ya

until then..... cyaz on the water


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Hi all

i was just reading another post where a guy lost his pride and joy.... stolen by some wanker (hope you get it back)

Anyways i was just thinking to myself what a joke the BoatCode is. let me stress that i dont know if the law is still the same but the last i knew of it was,

if a boat was registered in NSW with the maritime via the boatcode then the numbers could only be checked in South Australia and Western Australia...... what a fkn joke, quite simply put..... anyone who steals a boat from across the border can come and legally register it in nsw or vice verca, thus showing the low percentage of stolen boats being recovered (only 5% get recovered) this is australia not bangladesh make a bloody uniform database which has everyones details stored on a national database which will make it harder for criminals to make $$$$$$ out of stealing boats + jet ski,s they did something in relation to number jobs in cars but until now i think that the issue of stolen boats has not really been addressed by government authorities. sorry if i seem a litttle strong but i see this issue as a issue that everyone knows exists yet no one wants to aknowledge it,

to all you people who have had your boats stolen i feel for ya.... and all of you people who have actually stolen boats i hope they catch ya

until then..... cyaz on the water


you have a good point there my friend. i work in marine finance and we dont look at private sales for this reason

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To be blunt insurers like theft. If there was no theft there would be no fear and little reason to insure against theft.

Datadot works but you still have the issue with older boats where it will only be sprayed on and not in the lower levels of part of the construction so fraud is still possible by rebirthing the boat and reapplying fresh datadots. Datadots should be implemented now just like the boatcode plate and no transfer of rego should happen without it. It is disgusting that it took 20 years for cars to get a single database and a write off register (that's still not national I think) and they haven't done it for boats. There should be a marinee write off list as well as there is some boats that should not be allowed to be repaired without marine surveys inspection and approval- especially commercial or survey vesslels.

The biggest issue for all seurity methods is ultimately the police being able to gain access to the goods so you can prove they are yours so they can be recovered. You still have to find them. No database will stop all theft and a rule such as all repairers have to positively identify the craft they work on it and owner before starting would be a start. Again it is an impost on 99% of honest people and businesses and it will only catch dumb thieves or unfortunate buyers of stolen goods but a wary market would make it safer for all of us as all boats go to have work done on them at some time.

Engine manufacturers should be forced as a condition of import to have motors and accessories datadot marked to stop the trade in motors being stolen and wrecked. It will only work overall if all motors are marked with dots with their engine number at sale.

If the goods aren't identified then no conviction will ever happen.

Edited by pelican
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