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Tides/feeding Times And Time Of Day?


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I have a book which points out a range of feeding times. How effective is going fishing according to the feeding times?

Also what period in the tide is the best to fish off the rocks and beack?

Is it true that the best time to fish is at dawn and dusk?

Which of these three should determine when you go fishing?


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experience lol

it all depends what you are chasing and whereabouts...

dawn and dusk can turn it on but that is no guarantee... for flat head the last couple of hours of the run out tide are usually best... but now that i fish more with lures for them, i have realised you can catch them at any stage of the tide if you can find where they are hanging out... the same applies to rockfishing... the fish will change spots according to the comings and goings of the tide... so some spots that might fish well for groper and drummer on a low tide will be useless on a high tide... everywhere is different///

i fish a lot at dawn and dusk, but that is mainly to escape crowds and wind.... i can catch flattys in the daytime and drummer and blackfish too....

but as you asked, as a general rule i go beach fishing on the last three hours before hightide, chase drummer around the same sort of time, i try to livebait off the rocks at low tide, and try to chase flathead on the bottom of the tide ...couple that with an early morning or dusk session on a stable day like today and i like my chances

good luck hope my rambling helped

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