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Swansea-cave Beach


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I’m heading down to cave beach tomorrow arvo to check out a mates new digs and boat and we are going to hit the lake and I was wondering if anyone knew where fisheries put there artificial reef in the lake there a couple years back, of if they had any other spots that may produce a fish or two as I haven’t fished the lake down there? If the weathers is good we may head out side but that will depend on the day.

any help would be appreciated


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hi rockyjack,

When i was landbased i use to fish a small hole with the kids and there pop which done well, :1fishing1:

its close to shore between coast guard and boat ramp north side of swansea bridge,

drift from the jetty(coast guard side) towards the boat ramp on the outgoing tide.

hope you do well as this spot has never let me down.

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Rockyjack, the ball reefs dont seem to hold anything of size really and remember its also the AFC grand final this weekend so it will be bedlam on the lake. some spots for a fish though, Swansea Channel as mentioned before always holds good Flathead at this time of year, there have been good leatherjackets (fanbellies) down around point wolstonecroft and the east side of Pulbah Island is always worth a drop. any of the boat moorings are always worth a plastic or two allthough I suspect this is where the afc guys will be hiding. Salts bay in the channel around the weedbeds holds some cracker bream but they are usually very shy and a lot easier to catch at night on chicken breast.



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