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Recomend A Lb Rod And Reel Combo


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Hey guys, im getting more serious with my lb fishing, and i want to buy myself a nice combo.

The combo will be used mostly of the rocks, and sometimes beach, so they must be tough and a bit tolerant to a few knocks here and there.

I would like the rod to be at least 10foot and must be 2 or 3 piece. I will be targeting kings, sharks, tailor, salmon ect..

The reel i have pretty much settled on is the shimano spheros 14000, matched up with 50lb braid (the reel will also be used for jigging and live baiting on the boat)

So, what kind of rod and reels do you recommend.

I would like to spend under 200 bucks on the rod (the less the better because it will get thrashed on the rocks)


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silstar ugly stick gold 12 ft. very strong rod for rock fishing. i have lifted 5lbs sambos with that rod. strong rod important as most of the time u don't have the luxury to net or gaff your fish off the rocks. its pretty cheap, should be less than 180 box.

my mate use a 12 ft snyderglas 8 wraps. similar in strength and price c/t the silstar.

i personally think 50lbs might be a bit too strong for the rocks and beach and 50 lbs braid is not good if you gonna get snagged from the rocks. as a general rule, try cheap mono. u will be surprise how good value for money they can be.



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