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Bream On Fly

Guest bluecod

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Guest bluecod

Well, went out this morning for another go with the fly wand [4th attempt] to a spot Narralakes showed me the other day :thumbup: Ken!

Although the wind wasn't good I was still able to cast and as there seemed to be a few fish around I persisted for an hour or so with a bread fly before the first solid hookup on a bream of around 20cm -Crikey! - my first fish on fly so I am pretty happy even with that. To make sure it was no fluke, about three casts later I had another hookup, also to a bream but this time only about 15cm.

No photos as the wife had the camera :05: !

I was surprised at the amount of resistance these little fellows put up on fly line in shallow water, so tomorrow I'm going back after a bigger one

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Great stuff George! :thumbup::1clap: It took me three months b4 I got my first fish on fly, but I didnt know about breadflies then. Sounds like you are now hooked, pardon the pun, to flyfishing like me and nothing else counts.... well sometimes anyway. Its sure a great buzz to catch the first fish on the flyrod and every fish after that as well, and on a fly yo tied as well, what a bonus! If I can make it tomorrow I'll join you, what time were you thinking of going? Congrats again.

cheers Narra

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Yellow Submarine,

if you have a kayak, you should be able to pick up some bream in Middle Creek (I put up a post last week "A creek somewhere...". I used a small home made fly popper and scored a nice one there last week, some nice snags up there and we've caught them swoffing around the road bridge pillons. Ive also used SPs there and have caught bream and lizards. Ive been to Deep Creek a few times, in the creek there are bream and reportedly to have bass as well, although I havnt snagged one yet. If you want to catch bream at the lake, I reckon the most consistent and reliable fly is the breaddfly, take some bread to burley up, head to eitehr Pipeclay Pt or the caravan pk channel or Robertson St and your pretty much guarenteed either bream, mullet or blackfish. As for bass, try Manly Dam in your kayak, surface early morning or late arvo/evening, or sub-surface during the day. Otherwise, Nepean or Hawkesbury for bass, fly poppers are the best fun at the moment.

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Guest bluecod

Yellow Submarine,

See Narralakes post above - the information there is "THE GOOD OIL" as far as I'm concerned. What I know about fly fishing I've learnt from him. :thumbup:

I'll be at Pipeclay Pt in the morning after the big one if you want to see an amateur at work.

Though February I'll be having a go at marlin on the #12 weight at SWR.

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