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Botany Bay 16/12/07


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Went for a fish in Botany Bay this morning it was a bit overcast and rain was predicted but I thought bugger it I’ll go any way as it turned out it just got better and better buy 8am the breeze from the south had dropped and the Bay was glassy smooth ,but back to the fishing as I was spinning for flathead it was pretty slow got a couple of small flatties and 2 nummrays as the tide started to run I got a few good hits but no hook-ups but about 9am I got a solid hit and it held at I first thought it was another ray but after some solid runs and some head shakes I knew it was a pretty good flattie it turned out to be a 65cm fish in top condition but it was on it’s own spent another hour after that and never got another hit ,but anyway it was a very pleasant way to spend Sunday morning


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Well done mate. I was out as well and your right the Bay was flat as a tac. I could not raise a Flatty. My plan was to head down off Cronulla for Flatties but my brother in law called late last night and said he was crook :1badmood:

I launched at Oatley and when I returned a couple of fella's were cleaning a lizard

at around 90-95cm :1yikes: massive. A very quite day for me today but enjoyed being out there.


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