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Channel 9 News Last Night


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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone caught the story last night about the revised dioxin levels in Sydney harbour fish ( Flathead and Jackets).

It started out as a positive story for fishos with latest studies showing that dioxins in some speicies were lower then originaly thought but ended with comments from National Parks that it might be a good time to look at removing rec fishing pressures from more parts of the harbour.

Can't find a link to it on Nines site - I'm sure I didn't imagine it.



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g'day fishos of sydney

i think its a great idear that theres no comercial fishing in the harbour and nor should there be thats a place for the recreational fisha men all we can do I no I do catch and release if not at ur own risk any esturies should be rec only clean them right out bring back fishing for recreational :1fishing1:

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