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Nepean River

Guest rzeps_bro

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Guest rzeps_bro

Yesterday afternoon I got invited out by my brother to go fishing up at the Nepean river for some Bass.

I have been out with him before but we never caught anything.

We got to the river about 4:00pm and started fishing with lures.

After a little while I caught my first bass and only my second fish on a lure.

Here is a photo of the bass. It wasn't big (around 20cm) but it was bigger than the one that Paul caught.


Hopefully I can catch something at the social next week. :biggrin2:

Edited by rzeps_bro
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Guest mrs rzep

The boys are heading back to the Nepean tomorrow morning to have another crack at the bass in hope to get something with alot more size to them.

Anyone else planning on heading out for an early session? about 530am?

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