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Pitwater 03-01-2008


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Hi all,

Launched off Bayview park in Pitwater at around 6 am Thursday with my two boys and another boat with 4 on board and had perfect glassy conditions as we headed out towards the Macrel beach area.. As the wind got up, it made for choppy conditions about an hour later, drifting from just inside the red marker at i think was Sand point using prawns, we got hit after hit from small pinkies, small whiting and a puffer and my eldest managed a small pinkie on an SP, all throwbacks untill we neared the shore line near the wharf at Coasters Retreat whe we scored a 47 cm Flattie, things were looking up in the afternoon as we did a drift inside the Macrel beach area where we scored

3 x 28cm

2 x 29 cm

thumper bream, havnt seen them that size since i was a kid

1 x 30cm whiting

the other boat landing 2 x 45 cm plus flatties and 6 thumper bream between the 4 of them

needless to say out of the 30 or so fish we caught all day once again i was outfished by the younguns as i only caught 2 throwbacks all day, :05:

Maybe it had something to do with the fact my mate in the other boat decided to empty his stomach contents all day and was leaving quite a burley trail !! :074:

all in all a good day, will try and post some pics if my son can find his camera cable but its a feed and a half for us tonite :thumbup:

Dont know if it was me or not, but couldnt find anything in the way of baitfish schools around, maybe it was the wind !

Special thanks to Roosterman for all your help :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: your advice certainly gave us a big heads up and looks like thats another :beersmile::beersmile: i owe you

cheers guys


Edited by swordfisherman
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hi bill,

great day had by all by the looks of it.. cept your burly buddie :puke:

was glad to hear the info provided the goods....

the baitfish seem to be sporadically disappearing lately....

that wharf area is the basin and has real steep dropoffs.....

strange there was not as many flatties but at least the kids had a ball...

dont worry about being out gunned by the tin lids, i nearly got done over by my 5yr old son roosterboy not long ago, me = 2 squid him = 2 and then he lost this cracker about 35-40 cm hood and i had to steady rod so it didnt go in the drink.... i get more of a buzz seeing his face catching fish than me getting lucky.....

cheers.... steve.....

Edited by roosterman
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