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Severe Thunderstorm Warning Issued At 4:19pm


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We copped it really good here.

Hail (small to medium size) and we've had 40mm of rain (according to my rain guage) since about 4.00. The most damaging part was the wind. It was blowing the rain and hail horizontal to the ground the the hail was hitting the windows and everything went flying....

We've got another storm here at present with very loud thunder, heavy rain but the wind isn't anything like it was.

Big afternoon!!! :1yikes:



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Looked quite nasty David...Hope not too much damage was done.

There are more strong, but smaller cells passing through tonight, not so windy though.

Keep safe raiders.



G'day Pete,

No mate, all OK. A few things blown around the yard and the trees have a few less leaves but otherwise all good.

We've had storm after storm tonight so that sounds pretty right.

I'm just very very glad the hail wasn't any bigger. If it was and driven by the wind it would have been very bad.



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