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Sydney Harbour - They Stole My Stella Again


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Quite right PJ.

Saw your poem in a fishig mag a while back.. nice work. :biggrin2:

"There was a keen fisherman fella

Who fished from a boat called Old Yella

His squid he did fling

In search of a King

And the f....ker did steal his new Stella"

I am bitter. :thumbdown:

Thanks Ceph... Kiwi Waynie sent it in for me!!! Don't be bitter though Ceph... I wrote this for you!!!

They’ve Stolen My Stella

There’s a guy we call Ceph,

I heard him sing,

On our fishy website,

It’s the year of the King!!!

His chosen prey,

Are a silvery, green hue,

With a yellow tail,

His stories all true.

Are they miniature missiles,

Or enormous bullets?

They thrill and excite him,

Like overgrown mullets.

We’ve all read his tale,

Of a Stella lost and found,

He fished the same spot,

Like an angling Bloodhound!

And as if by magic,

His mate hooked his missing outfit,

Three weeks had past,

But his hope hadn’t quit.

So his expensive tackle,

Safely home at last,

Cleaned, greased and oiled,

Ready for another days cast.

So early in January,

Of Twenty ‘O’ Eight,

He returned to the water,

With another shipmate.

Armed to the hilt,

For another assault,

He takes Stella 6000,

Found by default.

In a moment of distraction,

He receives a fair bite,

And turns to his rod,

Ready for a fight!!!

But the story turns sad,

Regretfully so,

As a real good fish,

Takes his rod for a tow.

And as she disappears,

To the depths of the harba',

We hear Ceph sob,

They’ve stolen my Stella!!!

Now there’s a moral to all this,

That surely must be told,

But for the time being,

He’s being consoled.

Cheers as always :thumbup::thumbup:

PJ Garn

Edited by PJ Garn
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Now that is a fine poem... :biggrin2:

Thanks PJ. I might have to take up Carpology in less than a metre of water!!! :thumbup:

Any time you're up for a lesson in Carpology just let me know!(at least we'll get your gear back!!!)I'd also like to learn how and where to loose afew of my outfits on Kingies!!!! :thumbup:

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