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Botany Bay Bream 19/01


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I have put a little time lately into the bream in a particular area of Botany Bay. I have had a couple of expeditions that returned donuts and a few sessions that have brought in small returns but I am starting to get it right now.

The fish have turned out to be almost non-existant in the daytime but like to put on quite a show after dark.

Last night was a session that was quite lively. I put in about 1.30am and got settled in by 2.00. The first cast seemed to go straight down a breams throat, a short sharp tussle and he won his freedom around a bit of structure. Fifteen minutes later I was on again, this time i managed to drag him into the clear to land a 30cm model.

The evening continued like that till dawn. Landed a few, got busted up by a few more. Seven reasonable bream ended up in the tinney ranging from 27cm to 41cm. Neptune managed to keep at least the same amount of rigs so I guess we are even.

I fished with both nippers and mullet and it was about fifty fifty on the hits for each The bigger fish took mullet gut that I think must of got stuck in his throat because it was the weakest blue I have ever had with a bream of that size, he pretty much had one good run and then gave up completely not even a last minute dart when he got near the boat!

As soon as the sun came up it attracted both the little pinkys and the rain so I packed up and left. Great night and very lucky the rain held off till morning.



I know I said seven but the neighbor was coming in with the papers when I got home so she scored one for dinner.

Edited by davemmm
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Thanks for the report mate. I am on hol's at the moment and only said to my :wife: I might put in an after dark session next week. Will make the extra effort and get some live Nippers down Maianbar on the day.

I have had no luck on the Bream this year so this may be the turning point. Thanks for the heads up.

Looking forward to the pic's


Edited by damariboyz
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