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Port Jackson Kingys


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Gday Raiders,

Woke up this morning at 7, checked out the forecast and decided not to risk it .. but after an hour of hanging around the house and gettin real bored i decided id risk it .. for an hour or two at least ;)

Boat is in the water by 9 and im off to the first marker .. throw some SP's at it for 15 mins for no luck so decided to move on and target some bait. tried for some squid first up for no luck .. then went after the yakkas and slimey. Boated 5 slimies and 1 yakka, and a leatherjacket .. also got smoted by something on the bait jig. Anyway 3 slimies went in the esky for bait/burley and the 2 smallest plus the yakka (all candy sized) were kept alive.

Back to the marker .. drop down the first livey (slimey) and putt around the marker for about 5 mins before bang .. im on :1fishing1: and 5 mins later a 70cm+ kingy is boated .. happy days :)

Rig up again with the yakka this time and continue putting around .. pull the line in 5 mins later to find out the yakka is dead, he lost his head, had him pinned in the top shoulder (like all) and it missed the hook by mm's.

Rig up again with the last live slimey and sure enuf 5 mins later BANG .. on again :) after another tussle of 5 mins or so 75cm king is on board.

Esky is over full and i cant close it so it was time to head on home :biggrin2:




Edited by daleyboy
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