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Squid In Pittwater

tangs sister

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G'day Justinjon,

Favourite squid grounds are guarded a little more closely than bank account pin numbers.

I've only managed to crack the code consistently this year and it's knowing what sort of water to fish that will get you more squid than 1 gun spot. I haven't missed out on catching squid once this summer, and have caught quite a few with BrettP in spots neither of us had ever tried or heard of others trying for squid... but they all fitted the characteristics of good squid spots.

Look for really clean water and bottom with mixed sand, weed and rock (or structure like a jetty) patches. If you don't get any squid in the first 5 minutes... move and keep moving until you find squid. Squid are very aggressive so if there are any around you'll know it within a few casts.

Cheers, Slinky

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I was fishing barrenjoey flats on monday for bream and i tried for squid,there are a few squid around i caught a little one that atacked my nipper on the surface and there were a few large ones under but i could not temp them.they were just having a close look at my jig then turning away.

I didnt know what i was doing wrong as i tried different colours and a tried different styles of jigging and i still couldnt temp them.

But there are definitely a few squid around so you can give the weeds bed near barrenjoey headland a go and you should get a few.


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Hey guys, i'm a new member, how's it going.

I agree with all above. I find if they are a bit finicky to drop down in size of the jig and it usually does the trick.

Also the first colour i put on is pink.


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