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A Bottom Bash And Some Dolly's 11/2/08


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Headed out at 4am for a bottom bash just off Long Reef. Got out there before sunrise in favourable conditions. From the get go we were pulling up fish and surprisingly very little junk. We put this down to the recent big seas and the better fish coming in closer. Anyway ended up taking a few nice snapper a few very nice sized morwong and a couple of decent flatties. By about 12 we decided we would go for a bit of a troll. Again from the get go we had dollies taking the smaller lures on the spread. Kept the first few we pulled in so ended up with a variety in size. All up we would have pulled in at least 15, with them striking on cue as we worked areas around floating pieces of debris. All up a great day on the water with a nice mixed bag for the table.

Anyone heard any reports on the marlin off Sydney at the moment??????



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Welcome to the site mate!

That's an excellent catch you managed. Really nice snapper and some excellent dollies too. It was great conditions on the 11th as well. I hope to get out there and catch my first dollie to, but just waiting on the appropriate conditions for the tinnie :1prop:

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Nice catch Reefingthemin!

I would love a day out like that!

You caught every fish in one day, that I would be happy with over several trips :thumbup:

Welcome to Fishraider


Stumpy :biggrin2:

P.S......Pull your pants up dude :1yikes:


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Thanks for the replys raiders. Yeah it was a great day and heaps of variety, gonna head out again tomorrow (monday) with the same sort of plan on mind. Conditions look like they are going to be good. Hopefully this time something bigger hits our bigger lures eg a 200Kg Blue. I'm not really sure how much the biggest snapper weighed. It would have been over 1kg but under 2kg. Anyway, anyone else heading into the blue tomorrow? goodluck if you are

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