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Protection From South Coast Wind


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A Mate and I are heading down to the South Coast tonight for a few days fishing. Given the wind is not exactly perfect (especially on Saturday) can anyone suggest the best place for protection from the southerly, either Bateman's Bay, Tuross or Narooma?

We will be flicking plastics boat based and the majority of the time will be spent inside the estuaries.


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I will be fishing Tuross as usual! Plenty of bays to get out of the wind, especially if you head up river.

Some nice flatties on plastics at the moment ... but don't necessarily look for them in the deep water. Target dropoffs, shallow sand flats and weedbeds (with poppers). Try Atomic Prongs in Pumpkinseed Holo or 90mm stealth prawns in black/gold

Some very good flatties in the deeper water around Narooma (Wagonga), particulary on Gulp

Good bass numbers in the very upper reaches of the Moruya River (around Araluen) at the moment as well. Surface lures such as dark colored jointed jitterbugs will work well.

Good luck mate


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