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Mud Crabs


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Guys, every day I drive across the Lane Cove River and I keep looking at the magnificent mangroves lining the banks.

But, a question.

Has any body ever targeted muddies up in that waterway with any degree of success. It looks like a perfect location for catching muddies or maybe I'm wrong.

I'ts just that sometimes I just feel like having a lazy day on the boat with a feed catching itself, rather than being bashed up on the harbour and outside the heads.

Why is it I always feel like I've gone 3 rounds with Tyson after a days fishing. Is it an age thing?


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I hear what you're saying, Tony, but there's not really any heavy industry around there, is there? I thought about that aspect but pretty much from Fig Tree bridge up it's surrounded by parks in the main.

What do you reckon.


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LCR had some serious industry on it in the past but I don't remember reading what specific pollution it has be it heavy metal, poison or dioxin etc. Pretty safe to assume they were serious when they said eat no fish after the bridge and if anything is going to concentrate toxins it is filterers like prawn and crabs.

LCR still has a run off problem for feaceal matter and fertiliser but think the big overflows were stopped a few years back- been a drought since so who knows.

It does look great when you drive over it and fun to navigate but very carefully in anything of size.

Upper reaches of middle harbour have the same urban runnoff issues.

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Tuffy, as pelican has suggested it's not so much the heavy industry that I'm worried about as much as all the other run-off.

There isn't a huge deal of tidal flow in the upper reaches and a lot of heavy sediment, I'd be especially careful of bottom feeders like crabs, prawns squid etc as they live and feed in this sediment and there's a strong chance it is still polluted...

A few years back now there used to be quite a few factories and manufacturing plants around the LCR, and there are still a couple.

Take for example the large manufacturing plants built on the banks of the river under the epping rd bridge that are still very much operational, I'd hate to know what is being pumped into the river intentionally or otherwise by these guys...

I might be paranoid but I don't know if I'd take the risk...



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I recently took my boat for a trip as far ap the Lane Cove river as I could get and it appears to be very clean. There is no sing of run off or any evidence of anything being pumped into the river now.

There was heaps of actions showing on the sounder amoungst the mangroves. .The mangroves run right from Fig tree bridge up as far as Fullers Bridge ..

I have tried putting crab nets out but with out success.

Also note . That there is restriction on using crab nets past the Epping Road Bridge.


Balmain Bob

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Keep a look out for lovers on the banks and "bog gas" suffocating them - If I could remember the famous name of the doco i would have written it.

Memory is getting bad- Think it was the EPA that put out the water quality figures and it also does the beachwatch ones. At one stage they had a risk map but haven't seen it since they did the take nothing west of the bridge deal.

Edited by pelican
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Now you guys are really scaring me, What, am I gonna pull up a thigh bone or something ??

And yeah Bob, it was the Bogle / Chandler case - I remember that story about the bog gas. Not sure how much truth was in it though.

By the way, I was only thinking of crabbing just up past the Fig Tree, lower reaches sort of. Gotta be some good spots in there.

Bob, what bait did you try in your nets? To me it looks a lot like poddy mullet territory so that would be the bait of choice do you not think?


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