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Favourite Sabiki Rig?


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Just wondering if anyone has a preferred Sabiki rig brand or style? I have noticed that hook size and type, fly colour etc vary from rig to rig and brand to brand.

Do people have favourites, or have you noticed that a particular style works best?

Do you find that they are consistant? Ie they work every outing?

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Favourite at the moment is from Black Magic mainly because it comes with 4 hooks, not 6 (easier to manage); is pre rigged with a sinker (quicker to rig up).

The style of 'lure' that I have most confidence in are the ones that look like a little pink grub rather than the little wings. These do seem to be hit more regularly without bait (at least by the bay yakkas and slimeys that I chase) but mostly because they're a bit more durable (the wings always seem to get ratty really easily on those styles).

The more expensive Japanese sabikis and the better known brand sabikis definitely last longer and the lure bits are often more visible in the water than the el-cheapo rigs (where the ratty little wings are all but invisible).

Sometimes though, I still can't go past the old 6 or 10lb handline with a small longshank and a split shot.... specially when the fish are timid.

For chasing quality fish rather than bait, I've had some good success using Black Magic snapper snatchers. This year I've been carrying around a bunch of Silstar Jigem rigs but so far have only had cause to use them once and gave up after about 10 minutes because we were slopping around in a big uncomfortable swell at the time.

Cheers, Slinky

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the best ones are R&R sabikis from Florida but you can't get them retail in Oz. They have stainless hooks/fluorocarbon and will last until something 'a bit special' pinches them. I favour the pink krill rubbery type, they work when others won't.

But all the styles & patterns have their day!


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G'day Jon,

Mate, it makes absolutely no difference which one you buy, just make sure you scent it with prawn scent and burley. A steady trail of burley to keep them busy and you're good to go.

I've tried different colours, pink, yellow, white and the little rubber pink ones and they all work equally well as long as you scent them. Just the el-cheapo prawn scent about $6 a bottle is fine. I generally just buy the Jarvis Walker white feather ones for about $1 each.

You need to scent the jig every 3 or so drops. I lay it on the bait board and give each of the jigs a squirt then back in the drink.

I can generally fill the livie tank in about 15 minutes (so long as the yakka are there of course!!). I've also caught trevally, bream etc etc on them and they hold up fine.



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