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Daddy Had A Brain Fart


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Took Little Slinky out on the Harbour today and mad an absolute mess of her (and our) only hook up.

Drifting yakkas around our favourite markers there were plenty of fish on the sounder and exactly to plan, Little Slinky's new Kingy Slayer buckled over right on cue and from there on it went pear shaped (thanks to Slinky).

I've become too used to having and extra pair of hands on the boat this Summer but BrettP was on call this weekend so when the hookup came I panicked and ran around the boat like a headless chook. I've caught around 100 harbour Kings over the last few seasons but to look at me you would have thought I'd never held a rod or driven a boat.

I was doing short wind sprints between Little Slinky, the other outfit I was trying to clear, the helm... all the time gibbering like an idiot. I pulled Little Slink's rod from the holder and it was a really good fish. No metre+ king but a real step up in class from the 60-70cm models we've been pulling lately. And it didn't fight dirty (at least it didn't head straight for the reef, instead it bolted from one side of the boat to the other making incredibly fast direction changes.

I wanted that fish for Little Slinky so bad I completely went to water. When I noticed we were drifting towards an anchored boat I totally lost my mind and instead of calmly circling the fish and heading away, I rammed the Evinrude into reverse trying to do my best Ross Hunter impression.

Little Slinky's at the stern yelling "Dad, the motor! THE MOTOR!. So then my brains start pouring out of my ears and I ram the Evinrude into forward... god only knows what the guys in the anchored boat thought I was doing. I'm surprised they didn't jump for it and swim to the buoy for safety.

Meanwhile Little Slinky is getting tossed around the back of the boat like a leaf with me occasionally grabbing either her or the rod to try to be helpful and just making things worse. From the way Little Slinky looked at me I think the 'advice' coming out of my mouth must have sounded like Swahili.

Of course the inevitable happened and the braid eventually touched the hull and parted like a gun shot.

Little Slink wasn't overly disappointed but I am big time. It doesn't matter how long I fish, I still sometimes get that same insanity that I had the first time I ever caught a king... and this time it cost a very dedicated and very important fishing buddy, what would have easily been her best fish.

Oh... and to top things off, I'm willing to bet that the anchored boat and the boat downrigging nearby that both saw me at my most pathetic... have got to be Raiders. My humiliation will be complete. Tonight I sleep in the dog house.

Sorry Little Slinky :(:(:(

Cheers, Dad (a.k.a. Slinky)

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I am sure she will forgive you ( eventually!) . :074::074:

It can be hard when you are on your own , clearing lines , keeping youngsters out of the water and keeping the boat safe .

That King will be there for her next time , I promise not to boat it tomorrow !!


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Mate at least you got a hook up! We didnt get a touch today, though while getting yakkas at balmoral, we saw a couple of kingies carve though...

The highlight of the day was seeing a fairy pengiun in middle harbour - we fed it 3 yakkas. It was so cute, and was talking to us... sort of!

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I have a distinct advantage. I fish a lot at night and usually alone. Nobody gets to see me going on like that nearly every session. Keeps the blood flowing though (just not to the correct part of the brain).


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