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Syd Harbour 18/3 19/3

Robbo 81

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headed out to middle harbour straight after work with miller. got to the ramp at 7:30 and headed straight out to start gathering squid. It was a bit hard at first due to the tides changing but managed about 20 squid by 11:00 so off to bed. Miller got a good nights sleep and I got bugger all as millers snoring is loud enough to wake the dead.

Got up at about 4:30 to gather some more squid this time we wanted some green eyes. I was squiding then thought, time for a smoke. Put my rod in the holder, got my smokes out, went to light it then my rod doubles over. "hey hey" I says. Grab my rod and holy crap it was heavy. Got him up and it was way to heavy to lift out of the water so out came the net. An easy 1.5 to 2 kilo for sure.

Once the sun came up it was a beautiful sight to see how flat the water was. Headed to spot x, spot y, spot z and so forth. Downrigging, and dropping off the sides, drifting and so forth with not even a peck. We headed back in to cook some breakfast.

As per usual, miller starts cook and his rod decides to double over halfway the bacon and egg rolls with no sauce thanks to miller :ranting2: . Up he gets, rod in hand,smoke in his mouth, fighting a fish that thought it could out do a shimano torsa :074: . I yelled "is it a king, is it a king" "don't think so, its shaking his head too much" next minute miller pulled up a samson or an amber jack, one of the two. I'll let the viewers decide hey.

off we went in the hope for a king with no luck :1badmood:

tried a few other places and managed a nice little flattie at 30 something cm and then a nice bream back at the ramp

headed for home at 12 with the total score of miller 3 me 0 but hey........ beats workin

I'll get the pics up over the next couple of days

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wherabotus do you go to catch all these squid?!?

thats amazing 20 in one haul

please dont tell me if its your secret spot or whatever; but im just a beginner and would love to know more about it.........have been going to balmoral bath/wharf with a mate and so far we've (he, not me haha) managed about 4 squid in 6 hours so yeah...any advice as to where to go would be very much appreciated!


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