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Hawkesbury 20/3


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I had arranged a day out with Jewgaffer for Thursday not thinking about the extra traffic that would be on the road for easter which got Byrons day off to a slow start for his long drive upto the central coast.

It was 10.00 or so by the time we loaded up the boat and headed down to little box for some livies we got a couple of slimies and half a dozen yakkas to put with the sqid Byron brought with him then headed over to Juno

On arrival at Juno Byron spotted a fellow raider who informed us that other than yakkas there was very little action there.We decided we would have a throw in anyway and see what happened

well we hardly lost a bait other than one to a tailor that was then eaten by a small shark leaving only the tailors head on the hook

We decided to move up the Hawkesbury further for the run in tide we tried another spot on our way to railway bridge where again nothing

Allthough the fish werent biting the weather was great and yarns were on

Finaly at the bridge we started to get some bites and pulled up a little shovel nose and soapy by now the sun was setting and we called it a day allthough the fish were few it was great to spend the day out on the water with an old hand like Byron who passed on many tips to me

On the way home from the rip bridge to end of Paddies chanel we passed at least 4 tinnies and one yacht with no light on so becareful if you are out there at night !

Luckily we made it home just before 9 when the local chinese takeway shuts so we finished the day with a great feed




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It was a very nice experience indeed doing a jewfish session with Grant (Arked) and meeting up with such a happy family!! Arked is a suntanned genuine sea salt and a regular, almost every day fisherman, very familiar with the Brisbane waters and the upper Hawkesbury system and it was a pleasure to meet up with Arked and his family and relax and chat enjoying the comforts of their fabulous home on the waterfront in beautiful Brisbane Waters.

Thanks you both for the nice meal afterwards and for the warm welcome, and the several hours of interesting converation and for all the nice hospitality. :thumbup:

Also many thanks for offering me to sleep over the night before for our next session as it sure is a long drive back home to Campbelltown.

It's a shame only getting a small soapy out of my favourite Hawkesbury's spots, but the weather has still been a bit too warm for the ever reliable to jew to come in and it will be much better for jewfishing when the weather changes over more towards autumn.

Too many people have written off the Hawkesbury, but wait till the cooler spawning weather sets in and we'll soon see what the Hawkesbury is made of for it's jewfish, that's for sure and certain. !!

I can really understand how fishermen who have had several boats change over to Seafarer as they are an awesome exceptionally well designed and complete estuary and deep sea boat boat. One of the best boats I've had the pleasure to fish in and Grant's Seafarer is a boat show special edition complete with all the luxurys, even a sink for cooking and freshening up with its own fresh water supply!! Great boat Grant and a fine choice of models too !!

It is a great credit to Arked be able to swim out to his mooring to make ready the boat after having had serious back and leg reconstruction that has left him with very little movement in the bottom part of his back and legs. Great effort Grant and it really goes to show what great effort and lot's of hard work can do against the odds and what good help and support, understanding and devotion from a loving wife can achieve. Well done to you both :thumbup:

Grant it was a pleasure to meet up with you and your family. I'll bring with my little right hand man and helper Little Jewgaffer along so that your young son and Little JG can meet up and fish together. It would be great for them to catch livies and I'm sure they'll persevere harder on the jewfish together.

Again thanks to you and your wife and your young son for the warm welcome and for a really nice time I spent fishing with you and spending time in your beautiful home on the banks of Brisbane Waters. !!


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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