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Reducing Two Stroke Fumes


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Hi guys,

Im currently running a 2004, 90hp Johnson two stroke and was wondering what the best solution to reducing fumes would be? would a top of the line Oil such as the XD-100 make much of a difference to reduction of fumes? Is there another additive that can posibly be added into the fuel? Can anyone suggest anything else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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Hi Allen, run XD-100 and not only will the smoke be improved greatly it is the best oil to use in terms of engine longivetiy also.

I have not seen a product that can be added to the oil that will help it burn cleaner and even if there is the cost of it would make it more cost effective to just buy XD-100.

Do yourself a favour and drain the oil you are using now, put in XD-100 oil, give it a 10 minute run and you will be amazed at the results.

This of course is taking inot account that your fuel system do not have a loose connection causing the OMS to overoil.

Try the oil and let us know what you think,



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Hi Holmsie, yes any brand, any HP of oil injected 2-Stroke will benefit from running XD-100. With the HP you have I would not use what you have been, it will be a mineral based oil that only meets TCW-3 rating and that is it. XD-100 is a full synethic oil with a special formula that makes it burn cleaner and produce less smoke. Again make sure your fuel lines are nice and tight which does not allow the engine to suck air and therefore over oil.

Just as with Allen, drain the oil from the tank, while you are there replace the oil filter in the pick-up of the oil tank and fill with XD-100 and your engine will love you for it and your smoking will be greatly reduced.



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Hi, yes you will not have to buy 2-Stroke oil, but you still need to buy and replace the crankcase oil every 6 months or 50 hours if you want the engine to survive. Better yet buy an E-TEC and spend about the same on oil as a 4-Stroke but still get all the performance you are use to and have an engine that ticks every box and is proven to be the cheapest to own and operate.

I think it is best not to go here though and if any one has an oil injected engine buy the best oil for it and that is XD-100 and if you have a 4-Stroke the same applies , buy the best oil for it and change the oil and the filter regularly and that way you give the engines (no matter brand and number of strokes) the best chance of lasting a long time.



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Hi Geoff, a gallon bottle is $60 with refills from our 55G drum costing $50.

The cheapest 2-Stroke oil I have seen around the traps is about $40 for a generic brand so yes it is quite dear, but trust me once you see no smoke the extra money spent is worth it in my opinion and it is good to know you are giving the outboard the best chance for a long happy life. Cheaper mineral based oils can produce alot of carbon once burnt which can lead to stuck piston rings and engine failure, so again the extra dollars spent now can save an expensive rebuild down the track.



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Thanks Huey, given my motor has probably had cheaper oil for it's whole life, is there any chance I'll have problems by switching to XD100 or will it all be good :) (noting what you said about draining the old oil first)



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sorry to jump in, but just wanted to clarify;

huey, you mention that it will reduce smoke, but will it reduce the the odour/smell?

my merc hardly smokes on yamalube, but there is a oil/fuel mix smell. will xd100 help to alleviate this? thx.

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Hi Guys, the best thing to do Holmsie is switch to XD-100 ASAP and you really should power tune your engine, which is a product that you spray into the carbies while the engine is running and it chemically cleans ring grooves of carbon build-up. Then switch to XD-100, which does not have the problem of carbon build-up and you will be right to go. Also make sure with your engine is running the QL78YC plugs.

CiViC, yes the XD-100 is an odourless mixture also, so a big improvement over what you have been running.

Jewy, with pre-mix engines we recommend the XD-50 oil, which is a good oil semi sythetic oil and suitable for smaller pre-mix engines.



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Huey, you mentioned somewhere that when switching to XD-100 you should change the oil filter. Pardon my ignorance but where is it, in the oil tank or in the engine. Also are oil filters generic or are there different kinds?

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Hi Lasty, on Johnson/Evinrude oil injected engines there is a gauze filter at the bottle of the oil pick-up in the oil tank. What I would do is when draining the old oil, I would replace the filter at the same time as preventative maintance. The filter is a genuie BRP part and is about $20.



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  • 3 weeks later...

So the consensus is Evinrude xd 100 is the best 2 stroke oil going around?

Does the engine need to be tuned differently to use it? Sounds like the engine need to use less of this oil compared to others so needs to be adjusted accordingly?

Have a V4 140 yamaha, planning to switch to the xd, drain the old oil and do all the stuff mentioned, it also due for a service so are there any adjustments i should get them to make?



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Hi Jason, with your engine there is nothing you can do in way of adjustment. Do as you mention and just drain the old oil and fill with XD-100 and you will see an improvement after about 10 minutes of running in terms of the amount of smoke it blows. As with any engine of any technology make sure the engine is reaching proper operating temp especially at idle and you are running the correct plugs for you engine.

Only the E-TEC has the ability,via a laptop, of reducing oil consumpiton when an owner chooses to run it on XD-100 when compared to the factory TCW-3 setting.



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