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Rock Hoppin In Port Stephens

fish feeder

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Hi raiders,

After dragging the boat up to Nelson Bay it was onlu used for dolphin watching and general cruising about, As the weather finally broke on Monday morn. I headed for a small headland just around from Tomaree, I hadnt fished here for about 15 years. I must have been alot fitter back then and I had forgotton the pleasures of rock fishing. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a foggy,still morning which made it hard to guage the wave height until they got real close anyway first pillie hit the water and within 5 seconds, bang this place hasnt changed, the tailor were thick, In no time I had enough for a feed and a few to be used as jewie bait back in the Hawkesbury, the best part of the morning was switching to a surface popper and seeing it get smashed, ended up with about 10 kept tailer around 20 thrown back and 2 bonito (also for the bait freezer).

All up it was a great morning off the stones just wish I had time to hang around with a livie or big bait out as I had heard of big kingies and cobia being caught in the area. Will be a good excuse to head back up there soon. No pics but we all know what tailor look like,nothing over 1.5kg.

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Hi raiders,

After dragging the boat up to Nelson Bay it was onlu used for dolphin watching and general cruising about, As the weather finally broke on Monday morn. I headed for a small headland just around from Tomaree, I hadnt fished here for about 15 years. I must have been alot fitter back then and I had forgotton the pleasures of rock fishing. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Josh If planning to fish that area again suggest you first check the MPA map as if it the area I think your reffering to , it is now clasified as a sanctuary zone


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Hi Geoff,

I Had a look at the fishing exclusion zones the day before and there was nothing listed for the area I was fishing, it was a few beaches around from Zenith (Box Beach i think), there were guys trolling around 60-70m off the rocks.


Great work mate, pelagics are great fun to catch from anywhere. A big king or cobia, either of them would be a pretty good challenge from the stones :1prop: .

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Hi Geoff,

I Had a look at the fishing exclusion zones the day before and there was nothing listed for the area I was fishing, it was a few beaches around from Zenith (Box Beach i think), there were guys trolling around 60-70m off the rocks.


Mate i was there over the easter long weekend as well but didnt really get a chance to fish as much as i wouldve liked. Anyways, i was at the top of tomaree lookout and took a few pics. From what i know, none of the ledges looking south are known sanctuary zones...water looks very very fishy though!

Wish i had taken my spin stick!


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Mate i was there over the easter long weekend as well but didnt really get a chance to fish as much as i wouldve liked. Anyways, i was at the top of tomaree lookout and took a few pics. From what i know, none of the ledges looking south are known sanctuary zones...water looks very very fishy though!

Wish i had taken my spin stick!


Guy's Suggest you check this site , increase size to 300% & look at the area just south of Tomaree



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Hi Geoff, the exclusion zone on the map you sent covers from Tomaree, Zenith Beach around that headland and onto Wreck Beach to it's Southern headland. I was fishing the southern Headland of Box Beach which is listed as Habitat Protection zone only, I know from many years ago Zenith Beach was a popular Grey Nurse breeding area so hence the marine protection zone, is still good to know that the 2 beaches to the north of Box are no go zones as far as fishing goes.

Guy's Suggest you check this site , increase size to 300% & look at the area just south of Tomaree



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Great photo, and it sure is fishy water, my older brother who used to live up there fished this spot alot and always caught fish, as well as some unstoppable runs, from your photo the most southern headland before it goes around into Fingal Island is the only one you can fish from as Geoff has pointed out they are marine park zones heading north towards Tomaree Head. You have to plan your walk in and out as you get cut off at high tide but a very worthwhile walk.

Mate i was there over the easter long weekend as well but didnt really get a chance to fish as much as i wouldve liked. Anyways, i was at the top of tomaree lookout and took a few pics. From what i know, none of the ledges looking south are known sanctuary zones...water looks very very fishy though!

Wish i had taken my spin stick!


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