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Problem Starting The Boat Once I'm Out There


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Hi All,

Running an old 25HP evinrude 2 stroke I'd call it for an early 80's number...

Only had the boat for about 3/4 months.

Took it for a service and check up when I first got it, and the mechanic did all the checks and balances, and gave it the :thumbup: saying it was running extremely well for it's age, only needed new sparkies at the time.

Since then has been running like gold, and never skipped a beat.. except...

Cold start

First time every time without a problem, with the routine 3 pumps of the fuel bulb, pull on the choke, start it up, off comes the choke, I'm happy with that, lets hit the water.


Get on the water

Turn the key

Starts first time and we're off to chase some fish!

On the water

Usually on the water for a good 20-35 minutes before anchoring up for some livies.

Next time I start her up, she's good again...

About another 15-20 minutes on the water, and start drifting...

and this is where ive run into some problems starting up again...

usually after about 10-15 minutes of floating about and keeping myself off the rocks with the oars,

she starts up again, and doesn't miss a beat! (at this point i'm thinking.. great.. end fishng trip early... 1800 SEA TOW or flag someone down for a tow... )

Electrics are fine, but the motor won't kick in... Sparks are new so can't be them.

Pumping the fuel bulb (once) and choking got me up and running again the first time this happened.

2 pumps of the fuel and no choke the second time.

Has only happened twice in about 10 outings... the most recent being yesterday...

no more problems once she starts again, starts first go after anchoring, drifting some more, and driving her around from the pontoon to the ramp again.


Starts first go, let it flush for about 5 minutes while i give her a quick wash down.

Disconnect the fuel to let any excess in the carbie burn, and she's happily away in the garage ready for next trip...

Don't imagine there to be any water in the fuel, and a water filter is fitted...

I go out once every 2 weeks on average, and there's usually half to a 3rd of the tank left after every outing which I just top up, I don't imagine it sitting there for 2/3 weeks max would cause any problems given that i refill before every outing...

Motor seems fine to the best of my limited knowledge, could I be doing something wrong?

My guess would be that there's not enough fuel getting sucked up perhaps?

Any ideas? anyone else faced similar problems? Any suggestions on what i should be checking?

Like I said, not an issue 8/10 times, would prefer it ran like gold 100% of the time..

Any thoughts/suggestions appreciated...

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My boat was doing exactley what you have described, i played with the mixture control, starts first time now, cold warm anywhere. It was running way too rich. My motor is a 1983 ?? i think suzuki 65 2 stroke

Edited by secki
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Im not a marine mechanic but as a car mechanic I would be considering the possibility of Vapor Lock or flodding.

Can you smell fuel

Vapor lock can occurr after running an engine hard and then shutting it down for 10 to 20 min and the heat boils the fule in the carby. Solution Prime the engine with care or you will flood it.

Flodding can occurr when access fuel floods the engine making it hard to start as its too rich.

Open the throttle wide open DO NOT PRIME and try to start. Be prepared to throttle back so you dont reve the guts out of the motor. It bay cough and splutter before it gets going.

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Hi, Dave brings up two areas of problems and good advise. Check also that you are running QL77JC4 plugs becasue the wrong heat range or inncorrect plug can affect the outboards starting.

Also the carby mixtures like secki says can cause problems at idle speed and starting.

Check plugs and let us know what they are,



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Hey guys,

I think I have exactly the same issue. I have an 81 (I think) evinrude 25. It runs like an absolute dream 99.9% of the time. Occasionally though, you simply can't start it (or pull your shoulder out trying).

It only ever has the problem when you're out on the water and it has been running for a while.

I was thinking it may be simply a bit of sh*t making it's way through the fuel line and giving it a small clog. Vapour-lock sounds like it could be the issue too. It does get very hot at times...



P.S. It also seems to know when you have caught no fish and are at breaking point just to tip you over the edge :mad3:

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