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Morning Session Middle Harbour

marcel haber

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Had an RDO today so thought it would be a great opportunity to spend some time on our Harbour.

High tide hit early around 7am so I tried to catch some squid and managed to pull 6 squid from different locations around the spit and lady jane.

The current was moving quickly which made it very hard to catch the critters.

Also managed to land two nice size silver bream from balmoral island.

I headed for Nielson park and the oil can and set out some rods with squid, pilchard and prawns.... had heaps of tap tap taps but no real takers, where are all the king fish? if you know let us in on the news.

The wind picked up so I headed into middle harbour where my baits were pecked at or left alone in a few different spots so I decided to call it a day by 1pm.

Not much to write home about, but just wanted to update and inform my fellow Raiders.

Sure beats going to work.

Tight lines

Twin 1


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Its was ashame that Lumpookey couldn't take the day off and spend some quality time with you, and show you how its done bro---- Ha Ha.

At least you are putting the hours in and I am sure you will soon be rewarded with that trophy fish.

Good luck mate :1fishing1: :1fishing1::1fishing1:

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Shame you didn't find what you were after Marcel.

You did well on the squid. :thumbup:

The harbour is always pretty tough after the full moon this time of year.

This is a great time of year to be targetting Jew though. :biggrin2:



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Chin up Bro, you did better than me. All I scored in MH was a relic! One slightly used throttle lever, confirming what I was told last week; Spot Q is a wreck!! The temp has dropped more than 4 deg in the last 2 days and the kings & bonito seem to have moved out of MH :1crybaby:



Admins, can I submit this in the Records section??

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Yeah the water is definately a few degrees colder, we went out this afternoon for some squid. It was about 3 degrees colder since Monday according to our sounder. We got no squid at all. I blamed cold water, but I suppose the low and slack tide was a factor. I heard a guy say there were some good kings around north harbour though this morning. They're still there. I hope they are still in a week or so cause I can't get out again till then.

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Hi Marcel Good try anyway in a morning session which I would dare say was restricted by time.

Just for the record take a look at the change to the conditions at the end of the southerly front, had you done a night session instead.

Temp 16.5 °C and Falling

Hum 63 % and Rising !!

Bar. Pressure 1017 hPa and Rising !!

Wind Calm North East !!

Marcel I am sure having a fisherman's weather station with an inbuilt barometer would make a big difference to you and your brother Ray's results! I say that because you are both very keen and you always try so hard !!


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Marcel Good try anyway in a morning session which I would dare say was restricted by time.

Just for the record take a look at the change to the conditions at the end of the southerly front, had you done a night session instead.

Temp 16.5 °C and Falling

Hum 63 % and Rising !!

Bar. Pressure 1017 hPa and Rising !!

Wind Calm North East !!

Marcel I am sure having a fisherman's weather station with an inbuilt barometer would make a big difference to you and your brother Ray's results! I say that because you are both very keen and you always try so hard !!


jewgaffer :1fishing1:


were those figures for Wednesday night or for Thurs afternoon heading into thurs night? I was awoken around 3.30am Friday morning by terrential rain, very heavy downpour.

At least I managed to add six more squid (JEWIE TIMTAMS) to the collection for our long awaited get together.

Byron , keep an eye on the up and coming conditions in the next month or so , pick some days out and Ray and myself will be ready with the squid.

Twin 1


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Hi Marcel the Barometric Pressure, Temp and Humidity figures in my previous reply post ocured throughout the evening last night.

The sudden start of the rising pressure meant better atmospheric conditions which were aided by the wind turn around from a southerly front to a north easterly direction where sign began to show on Thursday late afternoon and conditions kept improving during the night.

Unfortunatlely time may not have permitted you to be there after doing your long morning session or for that matter anyone else fishing into the early morning hours who had to work etc the following day.

Yesterday morning for example would have not been the time when I would chose to go or even the day for that matter, the ongong southerly front was still hanging in there.

However a sudden complete turn around in atmospheric (barometric) conditions occurred and if I was able to go last night, I am confident that I would have had reasonably good results although as it happened the good change in atmospheric conditions and the north easterly wind was shortlived.`

The sudden change that settled in by early evening yesterday was highlighted by fast rising pressure which over centuries has encouraged target fishermen to go straight out there as you can never be sure what the following day will bring!!

Look at today's lousy southlery influence, back again!, after having better conditions for fish feeding only a matter of ten hours or so ago.

Some species which can better tolerate the conditions may have missed the boat and will continue to feed provided that they have swim bladders to suit and the ability to digest their food in the conditions at depths to suit etc.

The barometric pressure rise during the night last night was very noticable as you have to allow for a natural drop in the atmospheric conditions during night hours of approx 4-6 milibars !!

Hope this helps to clarify the benefit of fishing at the change to more favourable conditions when fish are more inclined to come out of, using my words "their mini hibernation", and stock up on food once more.

Marcel and Ray I Hope this explains it further and demonstrates the importance of getting the timing right. We'll have plenty of time to go thru conditions on the water while sitting back watching the rods, that is if and when it goes quiet enough to talk. :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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