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Solander Land Based Kingfish


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I promised my nephew Liam a fishing trip for his birthday and finally worked out a day that suited us both, Liam's best fish so far was a Leatherjacket caught from Bundeena wharf. So off to Cape Solander with half a dozen rods, some slimy mackerel and squid. We berleyed and fished for Yellowtail but could only catch Mados and Sweep. Things were not looking good until we spotted some green shapes in the berley trail... Garfish. Liam soon snagged a Gar and it was swimming under a float with a double hook rig within minutes. We caught some more gars and put them in a rock pool. Within 15 minutes the ratchet on the TLD 25 was screaming, Liam grabbed the rod and pushed the lever drag up to strike. It was on... the fish ran north and stripped some braid from the reel, Liam stopped it and soon had it back to the rocks. A King and good size too, it took two more runs and found the bottom both times, back to the surface and washed it on to a rock ledge using the small swell, a quick hoist on the leader and we had our King. The 60lb Jinkai leader was badly damaged, we were lucky to land this fish, it went 81cm and Liam is a happy boy. java script:emoticon(':biggrin2:', 'smid_12')


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Send them to my email and ill post them up for you if you like.

How did u go today?

Couldn't catch any baitfish, I've never seen such finnicky yellowtail swimming right up to a piece of fresh pilchard fillet and refusing it. Very clear water too.

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