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Went Worming Today, In A Full Onshore Wind!


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Hi guys

I am hitting the lake tomorrow with Wendy in the yaks, so thought some live worms wouldn't go astray .... but thought it would be really tough going, given the conditions! It has been really windy here today & virtually straight onshore. Heaps of ribbon weed been washed on to the beach - particularly where i wanted to worm! :( and rising tide to boot! Talk about making it difficult for myself!

I really didn't think I'd have a chance, but thought that even if I got a few, I'd be happy.

Well - they were there! Not huge ones, but the ones I got were all worm (no gut!) Must have got about 15 - virtually all that I saw! A couple were bigger than 1m but most were nice stocky ones about 30cm. :) Missed about 2, when I rushed it because the weed was washing down onto the worm!

So - if you want to try to worm on a windy day - give it a go - you may have to concentrate a bit more, but, with luck, you will get a few. The rising tide didn't help, either, as the wave sets were coming in a lot quicker. This just makes it annoying.



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Was up your way over Easter & wanted to get some worms myself but not having wormed for about 15 years figured any worm was a good worm !!

I found them in close to the breakwall on the foster side & there was some serious size to them as well !

I excelled myself by catching 1 & 1/2 worms (small to medium) also in a heavy onshore wind.

I found the worms further up from the breakwall were very timid & would not arch to the teaser - that is so frustrating.

Anyway had a ball catching dart with my 1 & 1/2 worms (worm?) and a few pipi's.

I need more practice = I need more holiday's


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Gday Howard

If the weather is like now (minus the wind), you'll have a ball!!! Haven't fished there myself, but hear there are stud whiting there! ENjoy!!

Hi Tryhard

I often worm the main beach (from just before the rocks in the middle of the beach heading towards the breakwall) and usually get a few. Some of them pull really hard!!! Well done on getting some after 15 yrs of abstinence!! If you didn't catch anything good on the ones you had, there was nothing to catch! I reckon dart are bait pinchers!



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