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Diving Trip Turned Fishing Trip.....


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Went out this morning with good mate Marc armed with our wetsuits, flippers, snorkels and masks with the plan of getting a few Pigs and/or Crays. :ninja:

Stopped at the ramp and turned over a few rocks and gathered a hanful of crabs "just in case".

Perfect weather, perfect water, everything was working in our favour, plenty of fish hangin' around the reef... all set-up for a top outing untill my weight belts breaks... :ranting2:

Intended to stick it out, but the going was pretty hard (anyone who has done a bit of diving will know that getting down to 20ft+ without wieght is pretty tiring).

Headed back to the boat and had the foresight to grab a heap of urchins on the way, found a handline in the boat, pinned one of the aformentioned crabs and dangled him over the side.. ..with a bit of crushed urchin for berley.....

Marc was still in the water giving directions and ranting about the number of groper hanging under the boat, when the handline goes off in a hurry (nice team work!). After a brutal tussle on 50lb handline (I've got the cut fingers to show for it!) a nice Blue Groper comes up which went a touch over 7kgs and tasted great in beer batter tonight.




Edited by Xiphias Gladius
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Yeah its a bugger getting down without weights. Ive had too little before and spent the whole dive arse up. I like playing with the groupers too, I wouldnt target them but if I happened to catch one..... I dunno, Id like to know what they taste like anyway!

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