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Fishing From Breakwalls


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hey guys and girls

i am planing to do a lot of breakwall fishing and i have my gear for chasing jewies from them but i would also like to chase things like bream, blackfish ,garfish( for bait) and pelagics. I need to know what type of bait is best, rigs and other stuff like that.

The main places i fish are The Forster/Tuncurry breakwall and the Iluka/yamba breakwall.



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hey guys and girls

i am planing to do a lot of breakwall fishing and i have my gear for chasing jewies from them but i would also like to chase things like bream, blackfish ,garfish( for bait) and pelagics. I need to know what type of bait is best, rigs and other stuff like that.

The main places i fish are The Forster/Tuncurry breakwall and the Iluka/yamba breakwall.



I do a bit of brekwall fishing up mid north coast on holidays targeting bream, flathead and whiting. You could use your jew gear to live bait with herring close in to the wall for big flathead, just find a good whole (and a good local :biggrin2: )

With the blackfish and gar use a 7-8 foot slow taper light rod and either a small threadline or centrepin reel. Then just use a quill/pencil float and small (approx size 10) hook. Obviously weed is the go for blackies and bread or pices of prawn for gar. The trick for these two species is to find a good eddy in close to the wall. That's where they hang out and also your burly (blackies - sand/weed mixed together, for garfish- bread) won't float away with the current.

With bream, whitting, smaller flathead etc the key is to keep moving WITH the current. Don't put out a massive weight and just sit on a rock. The best thing is to "walk" your bait along the breakwall. That way it looks natural, you can use a lighter weight and you don't have to re-cast every five seconds. You'll need a bit of a stiffer rod for this but still light and around 7-8 foot. Light threadline and just a ball sinker straight down to a number 2 long shank hook. Nippers are my number 1 bait for this. But any firm strip bait like mullet etc will be good. Sinker weight should only be enough to cast out, most fish are pretty close to the wall itself but be carefull of snags.

These bread and butter fish can be anywhere along the wall, no need to get too close to the mouth. With pelagics though, they are usually at the end of the breakwall near the entrance. High speed spinning with metal lures or a floated whole pillie should get you some action. I usually stay a way from this area as it can be a bit dangerous out there. Maybe could use your jew gear for this.

Hope this helps.

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if fishing for game fish, long tail tuna etc. use either live gar or yakkas which can be caught on a bait jig with bread or prawn etc.

you then suspend it under a torpedo float on about 6ft trace or just long enough so the birds can't kill it, they will still try believe me. you should have this rig connected to an outfit with at least 400m preferably 600m of 10 to15kg line on it or you can get spooled if you get a big longtail. they run very fast!

while your livebait is out you can fish for bream etc. with light gear to keep you entertained.

if you cant get livies you can sit and wait and watch with a casting rod rigged with a high speed popper and cast at fish cruising by.

patience is a serious virtue when fishing off breakwalls for game fish, at some stages of the day you wonder why your even sitting there, however i'm sure that i will keep trying till a nail a good fish.

good luck! :thumbup:

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