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Harbour Fishing On Anzac Day


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Hi all,

Well decided to go out for a fish today, got to roseville about 545 and got the boat in the water with the water resembling sewerage up until bantry bay. Originally were going to squid at Middle Head, so much for that...Massive swell one wave nearly started to break in open water as we were heading for it :1yikes::thumbdown: . Well we got 4 squid, 3 of them a good size. Saw some garfish being chased and jumping so tied on some lures and threw around where they kept popping up, my brother got hit on his squid jig a few times, we thought they were either frigates or bonnies, didnt get a clear look.

Headed off to our usual 1st spot up the main harbour, got 2 snapper on the heavy rods, both just under at 28cm so back in the drink.

After about half an hour the baits were continually being hit by kings but they weren't taking the whole thing, i took my pride and joy rod/reel out the holder, felt the hits and a grab and struck and i was on. It fought very very hard and was pulling about 6 or 7kg of drag with little hassle heading straight for the wreck, however the Daiwa gear well and truly got the better of him and he came up after a shortish fight to be a surprisingly low 67cm. Thats dinner at least, fought as though he was about 80cm, when filleting it i found a nice newish set of ganged hooks right in his stomach=ouch.

We then moved to the wedding cake and anchored then realised the rain was coming over a hill at Watsons Bay and Middle Harbour may be a better option. In short the rain followed us :1badmood: and we took shelter under the spit bridge for about 20min, then decided it had nearly stopped and were going to fish beauty point, got out the 8 knot zone and it starts bucketing down harder than it had all day :1badmood::thumbdown: , only lasted about 5min thank fully.

No fish at beauty, saw a boat next to us get a small king which looked in the 50-60cm range and of course they keep it :ranting2:, pisses me off when people do that, it happens all too often.

Anyway plenty of squid left for lunch and kingfish for dinner :thumbup: .



Edited by Josh88
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Yeah mate, same to much of that myself.

The rules are not too tight as it is, so you would expect people to follow them,


Lets keep everything, even the smallest fry.

Anyway, good shot on the kings, been catching some every outing the last few weeks.

Seems to be some good ones about.

Oh well, time for more :beersmile:

See you on the water.

Yeah mate, same to much of that myself.

The rules are not too tight as it is, so you would expect people to follow them,


Lets keep everything, even the smallest fry.

Anyway, good shot on the kings, been catching some every outing the last few weeks.

Seems to be some good ones about.

Oh well, time for more :beersmile:

See you on the water.


Meant saw to much of that.

To much :beersmile: already.

Oh well, time for another :beersmile:


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