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A Bonnie Harbour #2


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The plan was to get Rach onto a bonnie. :biggrin2:

On the water at bout 7am from tunks.

Quick squid look at Balmoral for zip then on to North Head to troll up that bonnie I had 'promised'. We get all the way along before the strike....Rach grabs the rod and brings him in like a true pro :thumbup: I dropped the bugger in the boat, so between all the trashing about, I neglected the photo opp. Doh! Just a littlun at 45cm but just fine for friday dinner. :thumbup:

We make a few more passes where I pick up 2 sizable sergent bakers before I hook up on a good fish.

It goes on a hard first run before coming up toward the suface to show himself. Yep Salmon....and a solid fish too :thumbup: After a not too short tussle and a few more jumps i get him into the boat.


A very solid fish and fat as hell :biggrin2:


I wanted to get him back in the water as he was pretty spent so I just read a 60cm+ on the lie detector.

Did I mention this guy was FAT. :biggrin2:

I just checked the record section....

What do you guys think...do I get in? I'll go with your call Ken.

He was caught on a k-mart $6 redhead diver.


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Top fish there Alex, I hope to get out on the harbour sometime soon, providing the seas stay flat for a while. Looks like you have a nice set up on your boat, I read somewhere you built it yourself, is that right? If so, top job! What are the specs on your boat, doesnt look much bigger than my tinny and you get out on the harbour a fair bit. Again, top fish there.

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Great stuff Alex. Good to see the Pelagics firing. Hope they stay firing till I get out there with Pete on Saturday! :thumbup: Give me a chance to throw away some of the new Slug-gos I bought! :risata::risata:

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Thanks guys.

I didn't see and surface action at all. A lot of fish seemed to be holding at around 20ft esp right out the end of the headland. That's where we picked a our lone bonnie.

Narra.....yeah I built her this time last year. I'll tell you what, I'll pull the finger out and put up all the specs and pic in the members boats thread tonight.

As far as the size Ken, I honestly was thinking 62/63cm. I was pumped as and wanting to get her in the water, so as Rach said..."shit, that's massive". I also put her on a cheap scale my son gave me for chrissy though it craped out at what seemed like ~4kg? Does that sound at all plausable? Though I would not trust it at all. I wanted a pic of me using the scale but I'll just tell him I catch fish SO big he will have to get me a bigger scale. :risata:

I thought that might have been you swoffa. You took off after talking to ???(charter guy) out near old mans. He told me the salmon and tailor were thick round Dobroyd just before getting his clients a double hookup on bonnies.


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