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Georges River Blackfishing


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Stew & Dan,

You Guy's need to let me know next time you do that, I have a brand new calm water setup taht must be 4 months old now and need to be taught how to work it.

Great sesh boy's congrats.



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Stew & Dan,

You Guy's need to let me know next time you do that, I have a brand new calm water setup taht must be 4 months old now and need to be taught how to work it.

Great sesh boy's congrats.



We can organise something for sure Pete :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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Genltlemen you're killing me. After reading this post the other day I was, by a small miracle, able to locate some weed yesterday arvo. Being Windsor based I chucked the old rod and reel, ( and old is Dad made this rod for me when I was 5, now 40, and it's Grandads centre pin reel), in the work van and had a bash this arvo off the boardwalk at Lambeth reserve.

Don't know what tides to fish there, as I've never fished the Georges B4, but ended up with nothing, not even a nibble. Burleyed for the 3hrs I fished yet still zippo. Having seen those photos the other day it looked like the river was over flowing with blackfish!!!!

I admit that I haven't fished for blackfish for at least 15 years, that's sounds terrible, but I'm keen as mustard again and need to teach the kids this fine art.

Does anybody still fish down at Lambeth or hasn't that seen action for a while. And what's the chance of finding out some better locations????? For the desperate man!!!

Anyway, always love reading your posts as they keep the fire burning.

Here's to good fishing. :beersmile:

Cheers Jed.

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Gdayyyyyyyyyy Jed,

Lambeth Park fishes best on a run out tide and the end of the board walk is where the reef starts and is best fished at around 8 to 10 feet.

Your weed may not have been what they liked????

Other spots are around the Milperra Bridge on the airport side and again run out ie high to low.

Only a few spots fish well on the run up and the conditons have to be right.

Slip me a PM and we can have a chat about a few options for you.

Cheers Stewy

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Well done swordie & friends. Great to see the Blackies back.

Jed did you check out the little rockwall at the other end of the carpark which runs out into the channel. Also check out Mickeys Pt.

Thanks for that, will do!


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