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Lyell Rainbows

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Went out to lake Lyell on Sunday morning with the :wife: Ouliis what a great morning it was.

It was only 1 degrees when we got there at 5.20am. There was alot of fog around, the :wife:

would not get out of the car :ranting2: she was too :frozen:

Launched the boat by 6am was on our mission to catch the elusive rainbow and brown trout.




We were trolling for about two hours before we got our first strike. It was a 44cm rainbow caught on a

brown trout pattern mcgrath lure. It was the first rainbow trout the :wife: has ever caught.


About an hour after i landed a 48cm rainbow on a black gold jackall chubby lure. We were flicking

around timber structure with various lures including soft plastics.



Had a great day out on the lake with the :wife: . Cant wait to get back out there soon :thumbup:


Rizzo :biggrin2:

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Top stuff Rizzo,

My better half took a while to get out of the car as well.

It was a fresh morning but it was great weather. where did you score those rippers,up the back ??

Well done, looks like you had fun.



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Top stuff Rizzo,

My better half took a while to get out of the car as well.

It was a fresh morning but it was great weather. where did you score those rippers,up the back ??

Well done, looks like you had fun.



Yeah matey up the back on the fork on the left it looks like a nice area

to get to early in the morning when the mist is rising and cast around the

structures and then hit the trolling scene with down rigs and other methods

the ever faithful Bennett McGrath lures are the ticket for the troll :thumbup:

and also the first "min min" lures by DOWN UNDER LURES extremely rare to find

in shops these days great tight action on these lures,i could not brain those buggers

on plastics it seems weird fishing for trout on sp's might have to get some advice from

Stewy and Dan they seem to have it down pat :biggrin2:

also no luck on the power bait they kept falling off hook might get some worms next time

we go up there which should be soon :D

We think we seen you on the bank there roffo did you have your family with you and a black

dual cab 4x4 on the lake side?


Rizzo :biggrin2:

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No Mate,

They where fishing next to us, we had the CRV and you would of seen the boss wrapped in her whole wardrob sitting on a chair doing her uni work.

Did you have an electric on the front??

I think we spotted you both as well, I pointed to your boat and said "that's the type of boat I wan't" it a great setup.




Just out of interest, what time was your first fish caught ??

The reason I ask is that for the last 7 weeks my fish fish didn't hit till about 9.00am.

How weird's that!



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No Mate,

They where fishing next to us, we had the CRV and you would of seen the boss wrapped in her whole wardrob sitting on a chair doing her uni work.

Did you have an electric on the front??

I think we spotted you both as well, I pointed to your boat and said "that's the type of boat I wan't" it a great setup.




Just out of interest, what time was your first fish caught ??

The reason I ask is that for the last 7 weeks my fish fish didn't hit till about 9.00am.

How weird's that!



Yeah Roffo that was us with the leccy on the front, what a fantastic day great weather sunny sky :sun:

might have to go for a fish one day roffo with a group of us, that social should be a good day out on the

lake soon :biggrinthumb:


Rizzo :biggrin2:

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I've got the bug now that the fish are on.

This weekend due to the mother's day thing will be the first I miss for weeks.

I'm usually there every Sat , in another couple of weeks I intend to do the morning sesh at lyall and Thomos in the afternoon.

Should be interesting....



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Inspires me to have a go on some trout.

What is the water level like at Lake Lyell now? Last time I was there it was so low the concrete ramp ended and it was another 100 or so meters to get to the waters edge.

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Inspires me to have a go on some trout.

What is the water level like at Lake Lyell now? Last time I was there it was so low the concrete ramp ended and it was another 100 or so meters to get to the waters edge.

I spoke to the care taker of the area and he said it was 48% full. its still has a long way to go yet as you can

see the original water line when lake is at full water capacity, a few years back at 25 to 30% i used to trek walk

and fish Farmers Creek and used to find tassie devils and other rig ups in trees from other fishos trolling and snagging up when lake high up.


Rizzo :D

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Well done Ouliss and Rizzo ,great to see you both getting into the trout :yahoo:

That Fishraider beanie makes you look half presentable Richie :thumbup:

Cheers Stewy

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Well done Rizzo, on a couple of lovely rainbows

It looked pretty bloody cold in the morning mate, i got shivers just lookin at the photos :1prop:

Great to see your wife getting into them too :thumbup: Well done

Its a beautiful place and one i'd like to visit again real soon, and i bet it won't be long before your up there again.



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Hey Rizzo,

Didn't know you were on fishraider, we had a chat on the ramp as we were leaving on Sunday.

We didn't manage any unfortunately, and didn't see much else being pulled up by the boats trolling so well done on that fish.

I did mange this though...


Oh well, atleast the weather was good.


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Great work on your Rainbows, My wife and I also went to Lake Lyell on Monday and we camped in a tent for 2 nights, I was taking a kip in the afternoon in the tent one day when my wife Vicki took one of the rods and went for a walk up the bank.

After about an hour I woke and went looking for her in the boat. I found her about half a km from camp, her jeans were wet half way up her legs and she was frezzing. She had langed a nice rainbow on a pink tassie devil but droped in on the edge of the water. She says she through the rod and jumped in the water and thrust the rainbow back up on the bank. Alas it was the only fish we caught for the trip and again I was out fished by the misses. But we had a great 2 nights camping with a great roaring fire to keep us warm along with a few cold drinks




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