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New Surf Rod And Alvey Needed


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Last Night on the hunt for a jew, second cast with a fully weighted slab of mullet my wilson surf rod snaps

:1badmood::( . Not happy !!! Anyway the :wife: suggests i buy a new one so i thought i would put it to

you all on any suggestions for a new setup. I think i would like to go back to fishing with an alvey but not

sure on the rod as yet..... Can anyone suggest a brand ??? I mainly fish for jew salmon tailor bream etc and

would prefer a 2 piece rod.

Any comments ?

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Mt 8144 butterworth is an absolute beaut rod for what you are after in the low winch mount.

Cheers Stewy

Thanks for the tip swordfisherman but what brand is that and where would i find it i live n'beaches sydney

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Thanks for the tip swordfisherman but what brand is that and where would i find it i live n'beaches sydney

The brand is butterworth and the blank is 8 wrap 144cms long ,hence 8144 and most tackle shops would have that rod or could get you one.

Cheers Stewy

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