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Consolation Prize


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Hi Raiders,

Here is a quick belated post about a rock fishing session last Saturday morning.

Went out with a couple of other members (Moon Unit and Kungee) for a session off the stones down toward the Gong. After an eventful climb down, with Moon Unit trying to get to the bottom the fast way (luckily he only grazed his arms and backside in the rolling process) we settled in for a morings fish. The Drummer weren’t playing the game, well not the big ones anyway! So I decided to throw some pillies around for a while.

After a few mixed ooglies I managed to fluke a yakka on a 4/0 hook. I pulled the 4/0 from his chin and stuck it through his body and sent him back out for a swim. Within about 5 minutes something huge picked up the yakka and slowly swum off with it. I let it move about 30 metres sideways and then struck; what ever it was, was very heavy!!! But within a few seconds it spat the bait and the line went slack (still a good adrenaline buzz though). I retrieved the now dead yakka, filleted it and sent a fillet out on gangs under a bobby cork. Ten minutes later I hooked this beautiful 58cm Bonito!!!

A very nice (and tasty) consolation prize. :thumbup:


Catch ya later.



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