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Can Or Could Anyone Please Help Me Out With Overheads For Hss Land Based.


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Hi Raiders,

yesterday i bought my self a Trinidad DC in the 30 size to use for High Speed Spinning for Pelagics Land Based which is still brand new and has not been used since i bought it yesterday. now i know that being a size 30 is meant for 15kg and i also know that i can or could use 10kg on the 30 which is what i want to use 10kg. I am thinking of either 1) selling it to get my self the size 20 which is meant for 10kg, or 2) just keeping the 30 and just using 10kg on it and that is it, end of story.

what i would please like to know is who of you would do or who of you would prefer to do which one of the above 2??

all info and advice greatly appreciated.

Thanks, and happy :1fishing1: .

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We it depends on the total line capacity that you want. You can easily fish 10 on it, but it has more to do with the weight of lure that you want to throw and how easy it is to thumb the spool. The bigger the spool the harder it is to throw lighter lures and control them. You have to spin up much more inertia (weight). Yes your DC will help you control this but you will still lose a little distance I am sure. I use a trinidad 16 with 50lb braid and then top shot it with some mono if I am fishing for longtails. There is plenty of line on it then. The smaller the reel the more versatile it will be as far as casting goes but the potential trade off is line capacity.

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