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hey guys,

just had a beach bash today up the coast and hooked onto something very big. i dont think the fish knew it was hooked, it was just moving off really slowly, taking drag slowly but alot of drag, nearly getting spooled. about 20 minutes in, the knot fails. hardly any headshakes or anything, just heavy weight pulling at a consistent rate, but it was definitly a fish. i conlcuded that it was either a shark or a ray? any ideas? i hardly gained any line on it, it just kept going.

it was hooked on 15lb line on the smallest rod, go figure!

shame, wudve loved to see it, ah well.

Any opinions wud be appreciated!



Probably would've been a biggish shark that like you said didn't know it was hooked, it was just cruising around.

If it was a ray it probably would've realised or at least stopped and sat in the sand or gone on shorter faster runs.

would've been nice to get a look though.....next time

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