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Baitcaster Vs Eggbeter


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i looking to by a new rod and reel and i need help chosing a reel

the baitcaster im looking at is the shimiano Callisto and i havent decidet on a eggbeter yet but it will be a 1000 or a 2500

can anyone tell me the pro's and cons of a baitcaster and a eggbeter

i will be using it for flicking lures mainly and going to spool it with 4-6lb fulocarbon line

if it is better to get a eggbeter can any one tell me a good one my max price range is about $100

thanks in advance

fisherboy :1fishing1:

p.s if anyoe has used or ones a Callisto can hey tell me how they are as a reel

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bait casters arnt as easy to cast and you get birds nests easyer with baitcasters spinning reels arnt as strong since as all the gears for lure if the is large it would be good on a baicaster but on the spinning reel lighter lure are better to cast and use

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Hi Fisherboy,

I bought a callisto about 18months ago and havent really used it as the eggbeaters are so much nicer to use (IMO).

I would say go an eggbeater on the basis its simpler to use, more versatile and should cause you less grief.

The few times i have used the callisto it has been ok, did have trouble with birds nests but i'm sure that was more my fault than the reels.

I would also consider using braid if i were you, if you're going to be flicking lures (especially light ones) then they are going to be casted easier off an eggbeater and with braided line.

Should you choose to go with the callisto be very careful of its price. I picked up mine for $35 in &*(&^ and it wasn't even on sale. I see it in tackle shops for $100.

Good Luck


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thanks for all your replys

josh88 if i buy the eggbeter i will put braid in it i was only going to put mono on the baitcaster as that u can get birds nests and braid is imposible to untangle

if i get the eggbeter can i just use normal braid or should i use a special braid like sinking braid or jiging braid ect and what lb should the braid be

stinger u said that lighter lures are better on eggbetters do u mean lures like poppers or can u still cast popers on baitcasters

thanks for your replies

fisherboy :1fishing1:

Edited by fisherboy
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if it's your first time using something other than mono i would recomend something like fireline cause it's cheap and relatively user friendly in the light line classes, meaning under 12lb.

also if your fishing in the sydney area there is no need for baitcasters, their only real advantage is in tropical snag infested creeks like you would find in the NT, where pin point accuracy for casting minnows is needed.

cheers alex

Edited by frangkie
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thanks for all your replys


i got braid on all my other reels and i fish manly in porthacking, sydney and botanybay/georges river


i will be using it for bream, flathead, whiting ect

looks like i will be getting a new eggbeter

i got a shimano et escape rod i is 6 foot and it has a 2-4 kg line class and im wondering if can use that or do i need i lighter rod

while 6lb braid be light enough line

thanks for all your replies

fisherboy :1fishing1:

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concidering fish will you be targeting and the size and weight of your lures; go the Spin reel. I grew up with spin reels on the Murray R, then moved to Darwin where I was totally turned and became an avid bait caster user IMO there was no better reel to throw a lure. I then moved to the east coast of Aust and was introduced to small SP, HBs and light line GSP chasing Bream, EPs and Bass. You just can't throw light lures as well on bait casters, I now have a range of light spin reels for light fishing and use my Bait casters for mid sized lures.

Good Luck


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That rod should do fine fisherboy. Its the line class most people use for flicking around small lures.

As for a reel, i'd look at getting a decent 2500 size reel probably from either shimano or daiwa and loading it up with about 8lb fireline.


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