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In The Drink

marcel haber

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Just a word of warning to all fishos,

I was at the hawkesbury river ramp on Friday night and when heading back to the ramp after a fishless trip we noticed that an old chap had his beloved car and trailer in the drink and out of site under the mirky water.

The guy reckons his foot cramped out but I reckon he got out of his car and forgot to apply the hand brake.

It was a miracle that he wasnt killed, after about 1 hour a towee managed to pull the car out of the drink,the trailor was still connected to the car and jack knifed as the cable pulled the car out which resulted in huge damage to the rear of the car.

So just take extra care when launching and retrieving your boats.


Edited by twin1
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i have a family friend who was telling me he was trying to retrieve his boat at Jarvis bay, and when he accelerated up the ramp with the boat, he told me the car slid down the ramp and into the water. He was using a commodore to tow his boat out at the time. The car was ridden off as a result of it. Not sure what caused the car to slide down the ramp, though it always pays to use a 4WD when towing a boat if you have one.

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The poor old fella probably got the shock of his life. I can't imagine seeing my ride home disappear under water.


You forgot the apostrophe in your "It's".... :1prop:

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Poor bloke, theres a lot of traps with boating and i think we've all had our moments.

I was retrieving at Mylestom, knew it was slippery and was inching my way up the ramp.

No good, went for six and dislocated my shoulder, no-one around, in pain...... man.

Retreived it myself and rang the family to come and get me. Could have been worse.. knocked myself out and drowned.

The next week council high pressured the ramp cause a local heard about it and caused a stir.

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I saw a poor guy reverse his trailer off the end of the ramp at a caravan park near Lake Conjolaa few years ago. The wheels were right off the concrete and the suspension was resting on the concrete. Try as he might he couldnt budge the trailer.

A bunch of us saw his predicament and didnt mind getting wet. We jumped in the drink and lifted it enough for him to pull the (empty) trailer up the ramp.

I reckon power loading ski boats eroded away the sand at the end of the ramp and he must have reversed just a bit too far.


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