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Jew Fishing In The Eastern Suburbs


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G'day all

After living in the St George district my whole life i got married just over a year ago and moved into the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Problems is all the jewie spots i know are either in southern sydney or the northern parts. Just wondering if anyone out there has fished the eastern suburbs (landbased) for jewfish??

Im not asking for exact spots but any info would be greatly appreciated as its become too difficult to travel in the winter months to my usual haunts.

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Hi Ali

I doubt there are many fishraiders who have spent as much time as I have over the past couple of years chasing jewies off the Eastern Suburbs beaches. I have been over 30 times (so far with nil jewfish success, so my tips must be taken with a large pinch of salt).

Bottom line is that all the Eastern suburb beaches sit between two excellent jewfish-producing estuaries/harbours (i.e. the Georges River, Botany Bay and Sydney Harbour) and as such MUST all frequented by jew at various times (at least that's what I tell myself). I have heard reliable reports of good jew taken from Bronte, Coogee and Maroubra, but see absolutely no reason why they would not also be available from Bondi, McKenzies, Tama or La Perouse.

Personally I usually fish Maroubra. As noted above I haven't actually caught one yet (have hooked a couple, I think), but there's always some interesting by-catch when using big squid baits, slab baits and beachworms - from shovellies and rays to salmon, tailor, flathead and massive whiting.

Good luck in your hunting Ali - and I don't doubt that I'll see you out there one night.

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where exactly are the 'eastern suburbs' you are reffering to?


Hi Crazedfisherdude,

by the eastern suburbs i mean anywhere from say la perouse all the way up the coast to coogee perhaps??

I live in rosebery.

Hi Ali

I doubt there are many fishraiders who have spent as much time as I have over the past couple of years chasing jewies off the Eastern Suburbs beaches. I have been over 30 times (so far with nil jewfish success, so my tips must be taken with a large pinch of salt).

Bottom line is that all the Eastern suburb beaches sit between two excellent jewfish-producing estuaries/harbours (i.e. the Georges River, Botany Bay and Sydney Harbour) and as such MUST all frequented by jew at various times (at least that's what I tell myself). I have heard reliable reports of good jew taken from Bronte, Coogee and Maroubra, but see absolutely no reason why they would not also be available from Bondi, McKenzies, Tama or La Perouse.

Personally I usually fish Maroubra. As noted above I haven't actually caught one yet (have hooked a couple, I think), but there's always some interesting by-catch when using big squid baits, slab baits and beachworms - from shovellies and rays to salmon, tailor, flathead and massive whiting.

Good luck in your hunting Ali - and I don't doubt that I'll see you out there one night.

Thanks for the info mondo, hope to run into you sometime (hopefully by then you will have caught that illusive eastern subrubs jewie). I'll get in touch with you should i have any success.

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Mr Ali,

I have also been fishing the east trying to sight that Jewie!! in 10 years i have not able to catch one!!!, However, you best bet will be what you know! And stick to those spots..

2 years ago there was a old guy named Yarrak that i once went fishing with that said that he had caught a few 15kg- 20Kg Jewies in Malabar/La Pa..

Good Luck,,, Summer is only around the corner

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Mr Ali,

I have also been fishing the east trying to sight that Jewie!! in 10 years i have not able to catch one!!!, However, you best bet will be what you know! And stick to those spots..

2 years ago there was a old guy named Yarrak that i once went fishing with that said that he had caught a few 15kg- 20Kg Jewies in Malabar/La Pa..

Good Luck,,, Summer is only around the corner

You must be little Yarrak, ive heard alot about you....you poor guy :074:

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Hey Ali,

I reckon your best bet is Maroubra. I got a mate that spear fishes off Maroubra - and he's told me theres some big jewies there. Also got a relo that landed a 15kg specimen a few years back.

Good luck,


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Hey Ali,

I reckon your best bet is Maroubra. I got a mate that spear fishes off Maroubra - and he's told me theres some big jewies there. Also got a relo that landed a 15kg specimen a few years back.

Good luck,


Thanks Al, go the saints!!

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Hi Ali,

I few years back my mate spent alot of time fishing for jew off Maroubra beach and did quite well although he did not catch big jew his biggest going 13kg from Maroubra, but got a heap up to 8kg.

If you put in the effort and time with fresh baits sooner or later you will get into the jewies.


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G'day all

After living in the St George district my whole life i got married just over a year ago and moved into the eastern suburbs of Sydney. Problems is all the jewie spots i know are either in southern sydney or the northern parts. Just wondering if anyone out there has fished the eastern suburbs (landbased) for jewfish??

Im not asking for exact spots but any info would be greatly appreciated as its become too difficult to travel in the winter months to my usual haunts.

Hi ali mate if you would like to get some jewies try the piers in the harbour but you will need live baits or fresh squid and a long gaff. Also you could try places around Rose bay near the sea planes usually holds alot of bait and the jewies wont be to far off. Try the breakwall at botany Moullinex pt with live baits eg Tailor or yellow tail.

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