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Turtles For Aqaurium


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I want to get some turtles for my aquarium. I know i have to get a license but does any one no any suppliers that i could get them off, or does anyone have some they dont want? I dont know what species im after yet but i want ones that stay fairly small as my tank is only 3ft.

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I want to get some turtles for my aquarium. I know i have to get a license but does any one no any suppliers that i could get them off, or does anyone have some they dont want? I dont know what species im after yet but i want ones that stay fairly small as my tank is only 3ft.

from what i understand, only 2 species can be kept legally, the eastern snakeneck and the maquarie river or short neck turtle, if u are planning to keep a couple, go the snake necks because the short necks can be pretty aggresive towards others, unfortunatly, both these species grow up to 25cm (shell size) so a 3 foot tank might be good for hatchlings but you'll need a bigger spot for them eventually.

make sure u have land for them to bake in, and a infra red lamp for heat as well as a uv for their skin/shell, this is really important because without the uv they get skin and shell problems.

after you have acquired a reptil license, simply contact any breeder and fax them your license and they will send you out hatchlings to be collected at the airport.

hopes this helps.

Edited by my03
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I want to get some turtles for my aquarium. I know i have to get a license but does any one no any suppliers that i could get them off, or does anyone have some they dont want? I dont know what species im after yet but i want ones that stay fairly small as my tank is only 3ft.

You can get your license throught National Parks Wild Life Service


I'll shoot you a PM of a contact who may be able to help you

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I want to get some turtles for my aquarium. I know i have to get a license but does any one no any suppliers that i could get them off, or does anyone have some they dont want? I dont know what species im after yet but i want ones that stay fairly small as my tank is only 3ft.

You will definitely need a tank bigger than 3 foot once they start growing. A word of advice though, they are messy eaters, so it is best to put them into an ice cream container or something similar to feed them. You will need a floating dock for them to be able to get out of the water occasionally, although as babies they tend to spend most of their time in the water. You dont really need a heat lamp, but an aquarium light is a good idea so you can mimick the day night cycle. Turtle pellets or frozen cubes are good for them as babies, but as they grow, they seem to like small fish, ie: guppies, tetras, snails. A few plants for them to hide in is a good idea too, although they will slowly eat the plants. Also, dont put anything else in with them. I made the mistake of putting my hatchling in with my goldfish and the fish tried to attack him. And when the turtles get bigger, anything that moves is fair game. Feel free to PM me if you want any advice as I owned my turtle for 2 years, before he got too big and I donated him to the local wildlife park.

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Thanks to those that have replied and sent PM's, i will definately give those guys a call anti-carp!

How quick do they grow, if a 3ft tank is big enough for say a year and a half or something then i might get some, i have a big pond out the back but i dont really want to put them in there....

I remember when i was growing up in QLD some people had little terrapins and i believe they stay quite small, is it correct what my03 says and these would thus not be permitted?

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