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Monday Night Jew Session


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The missus has class on Monday nights so lately I've been flicking some squid jigs in the harbour while waiting to pick her up.

I've been going for a few weeks now and haven't gotten any squid.

But last night, while using my brand new Yamashita squid jig I managed to get 3 in about 2 hours of jigging! :yahoo:

They were all around 6inchs long and would have made a great bait whole.

I got home at 9pm and quickly checked the tides.. there was a low of around 10pm.....

hmmm i thought.. one week before the new moon, run up tide around 11pm, freshly caught squid......

Lets do it! :thumbup:

despite having to be at work at 9am this morning, having some fresh caught squid gave me enthusiasm to sacrifice sleep for a jewie.

I got down to my usual Sydney harbour spot at 11pm.. Cast out both rods and waited.

It was very quiet.. wound both baits in at 12 to check on em. One had the head missing, the other had a few chunks missing from pickers.

Cast them back out and left them there till 1:30am.

No action.

Packed up at 1:30 and went home.. seemed to have some really small pickers as most of the squid was still on the hook...

Drove home and got into bed around 3... slept a few hours and came into work......... now thinking about when I should do it again :biggrin2:


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Hi KIT keep pluggin mate your dedication will get you there

and you got the right bait to do the job.

I think your half way there with the right bait try on a second rod to strip

the bait up sometimes they will take that over a full squid and just want to know what tides

your fishing,rough section of the harbour,rig ETC.

If you have not got one buy the time the water warms up a little

ill maybe have to take you out and help that along , not that im some jew expert or anything

but i can hold my own.

Keep trying chris well done on the effort cheers :beersmile:

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The missus has class on Monday nights so lately I've been flicking some squid jigs in the harbour while waiting to pick her up.

I've been going for a few weeks now and haven't gotten any squid.

But last night, while using my brand new Yamashita squid jig I managed to get 3 in about 2 hours of jigging! :yahoo:

They were all around 6inchs long and would have made a great bait whole.

I got home at 9pm and quickly checked the tides.. there was a low of around 10pm.....

hmmm i thought.. one week before the new moon, run up tide around 11pm, freshly caught squid......

Lets do it! :thumbup:

despite having to be at work at 9am this morning, having some fresh caught squid gave me enthusiasm to sacrifice sleep for a jewie.

I got down to my usual Sydney harbour spot at 11pm.. Cast out both rods and waited.

It was very quiet.. wound both baits in at 12 to check on em. One had the head missing, the other had a few chunks missing from pickers.

Cast them back out and left them there till 1:30am.

No action.

Packed up at 1:30 and went home.. seemed to have some really small pickers as most of the squid was still on the hook...

Drove home and got into bed around 3... slept a few hours and came into work......... now thinking about when I should do it again :biggrin2:


Glad to see there is still a few of us late night, winter time Jew chasing lunatics around mate.

All the best with it


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The missus has class on Monday nights so lately I've been flicking some squid jigs in the harbour while waiting to pick her up.

I've been going for a few weeks now and haven't gotten any squid.

But last night, while using my brand new Yamashita squid jig I managed to get 3 in about 2 hours of jigging! :yahoo:

They were all around 6inchs long and would have made a great bait whole.

I got home at 9pm and quickly checked the tides.. there was a low of around 10pm.....

hmmm i thought.. one week before the new moon, run up tide around 11pm, freshly caught squid......

Lets do it! :thumbup:

despite having to be at work at 9am this morning, having some fresh caught squid gave me enthusiasm to sacrifice sleep for a jewie.

I got down to my usual Sydney harbour spot at 11pm.. Cast out both rods and waited.

It was very quiet.. wound both baits in at 12 to check on em. One had the head missing, the other had a few chunks missing from pickers.

Cast them back out and left them there till 1:30am.

No action.

Packed up at 1:30 and went home.. seemed to have some really small pickers as most of the squid was still on the hook...

Drove home and got into bed around 3... slept a few hours and came into work......... now thinking about when I should do it again :biggrin2:


Mate as a general rule one hours jew fishing equates to a pound of jew... you may get the biggie one day so prepare yourself.

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Mate as a general rule one hours jew fishing equates to a pound of jew... you may get the biggie one day so prepare yourself.

Really? awesome!

I'm looking forward to my 1000lb jewie!!! Can't wait hehehe :1prop:

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