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Syd Harbour 6/2/05


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what a busy period its been,

after being in Melbourne and then taking the wife and kids to Queensland its been a big no in the fishing scene.

So I returned from hols on Saturday and decided to venture out on Sunday for some Kings. ( Yes I know Sundays a bitch,).

We found a good squid spot and moved on. Gee the water was flat so we decided to have a looksee outside. There must of been over 50 boats outside. With the odd Sargent Baker and Pike we headed back to markers.

To end a long story, finally after all my squid got done, I got a nice baby rat of 63cms on my last squid.

I got terrorized by other Kings on plastics, but no takers.

I'm still waiting for the run of bigger ones to move into the Harbour.

We got back to Five Dock ramp and for the first time ever I saw to Fisheries Officers checking all boats.

After a good convo and displaying the legal king, we were off.

So theres my licence money going to work.

Its good to be back



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